There Was A Fucking Hitch.

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     Damn, it's bright here, and I hear screaming. Dammit, this must be hell. I slowly opened my eyes. I see my mom fake crying, her eyes already blood shot from what ever she smoked before she came here. And by here I mean the hospital. Not her, not know, fuck this shit I'm going back to sleep. Before I could even snuggle myself deeper into my pillow, the nurse walked in.

" Haylie! Your awake!" Ahhh shit....

" Haylie! Sweety!"  My mom said as My heart monitor started beeping, because of my stress level.

" Mam, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Her tone holding authority.

" b-bbut...." My mom whispered as she left the room.

"Did you try?" Que dumb blonde act, where is my wig?

" Try what?" I said innocently.

" Come in sir," the nurse called out.  A muscular guy walked in, god he was so hot, he was pretty tall, about six ft, he was really tan, with Sandy blondish coloured ringlets hanging down to his shoulders.

"This man pulled you up after you jumped, he would like to have a word with you."  NOO, why....she walked out of the room leaving my alone with the hot guy.

"Y'know this is the fourth time, the fourth time."

" huh?" I said stupidly

"four people, the bridge, the tree in the park, the person in the alley with the pain killers, then you." Okay hottie, what's the point?

"All I'm asking is that, once you get out come find me," he handed me a simple white card with a name, and a phone number, taped to the back was 75 cent, and a 20 dollar bill, I looked up at him, something about him, it gave me reassurance.

" I'm just 3 quaters away." He said, and with that he left. Thinking quickly, I took out my hair, then wrapped it around the card, making it into a makeshift bun. His name was ashton, but, I was officially calling him Mr. Hitch, because he ruined my plans. Well it looks like I'll see him soon. Ashton Irwin was only the beginning of the story.

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