✔Two: "You go through a lot."

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After waking up from a nap, I'd made myself a cup of tea and was sitting on my bed with my laptop to read through the email that Naomi had sent me. It was long and detailed with helpful tips on how to promote my work online and all of that. She'd also let me know that my book was completed and that my copy was on its way to me.

I had dinner with Jocelyn planned for tonight and, for the first time in a while, I felt motivated to cook. We had some celebrating to do and I could only think of doing so with my best friend.

Before taking a shower, I'd set up my social media accounts and renamed my Twitter one to be more fitting for the new journey I was on. I sent all those details to Naomi then got to cooking. I'd take a shower after I was done.

Jocelyn came over with a fine bottle of wine and helped me set the table since she came a little earlier than expected. She was in a good mood and I needed that type of energy, especially since I was in a better mood myself.

We said grace and helped ourselves to the cooked food and Jocelyn got to filling me in on all the bakery stories that I was missing out on.

"I actually miss it there," I admitted. "I even miss Amy."

Jocelyn smiled.

"Yeah, she's not that nice to anybody else. She even hates my dad for making you take time off." She said.


"Less Olivia at the bakery equals no Justin Bieber."

"Surely she knows that Justin and I are..."

"She's in denial. Either that or she's hoping to scoop him for herself. You know how she is."

I smiled softly and traced my finger along the rim of my wine glass.

"You know, I love the bakery. I didn't realise it before but, working there was the best thing to have happened to me in a while. When I signed up, I thought I was doing it to be able to manage my bills but..." I shrugged, "I made friends..."

"You found Justin." Jocelyn added softly.

I chuckled lightly and shook my head.

"I helped him get to where he belongs, Jocelyn. That was my purpose; that was why I got the job at your family's bakery and that was why I felt the need to show some kindness to Justin."

"If you believe that in your heart of hearts..."

I didn't believe that in my heart of hearts. I was only telling myself that because it's what I wanted to believe.

"Naomi says I should see a therapist." I smiled, despite the fact that thoughts of Justin had clutched at my heartstrings and were bringing back all those memories.

"Do you want to?" Jocelyn asked.

"I guess I should. I mean, she was right about saying it would be good to get some stuff out, considering that I'm only days away from being a published author."

Jocelyn's eyebrows shot up and she began to smile.

"For real? I thought your trip to New York was for the technical stuff."

"I went to pick a cover." I giggled lightly.

"Liv!" She squealed, "I'm so proud of you!"

"Thank you, Jocelyn."

"Oh my god!"

I giggled again.

"If you think it'll help to see someone professional..." Jocelyn said.

For Better, For Worse 2 | BWWM | COMPLETE ✔Where stories live. Discover now