✔Thirty Six: "You wanna talk about that now?" | Part 1

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Waking up to the sight of gold and silver helium balloons tied to a very expensive bottle of champagne on my nightstand was quite something. Liv had also put there a card and a gift wrapped in gold wrapping paper.

I smiled to myself and rubbed my eyes to rid them of sleep before sitting up to have a proper look at my gifts on my nightstand.

Smiling like a goofball, I placed the golden wrapped box on my lap and took my card in my hands to read:

'To my Jay Bear,

I'm clearly not as creative as you have proven yourself to be, time and time again, I've also found that it's hard work shopping for a guy, let alone a husband who has it all, but I wanted to give you something you'd love and I do hope you like your present because if you don't, there's still plenty of hours in the day and I have plenty gifts to give.

Happy birthday, my dear. I hope that your day is nothing but beautiful and that you're all smiles throughout the entire day- you deserve it. Thank you for being such a loving, caring husband to me; my best friend; my knight in shining armour; and certainly the best daddy in the whole world.

I love you, Justin- always and forever.

Love, Olivia Bieber

Side note: I've always wanted to sign a card like that!'

I chuckled at her little side note and put the card down to carefully unwrap my present. Liv had gotten me a customised designer watch. It was gold and felt like it weighed a good ton in the palm of my hand but it looked amazing with the intricate details: the silver band that went around the face of the watch with some tiny rocks to mark some points on the watch, my surname was visible in the watch and, when I flipped it over to have a look at the back, Noah's date of birth as well as Liv's were there, a good reminder of what was important and who time was worth pending with.

I tried on my new favourite piece and admired it for a minute until I realised that Liv wasn't in the room.

"Liv?" I called, hoping she was maybe in the bathroom.

No response.

"Baby? Liv?" I got out of bed, now taking my bottle of bubbly and balloons with me as I left the bedroom to walk to the next room.

With Noah in his little rocking basket on the floor in the lounge area, Liv was putting some candles into a small cake. She wore an apron and her hair was up, and if I was seeing correctly, I could tell just how nervous she was.

"Good morning," I smiled at Liv who jumped from being startled. "Sorry,"

"No, it's... I'm okay. Good morning, baby, and happy birthday." She smiled and walked over to me to greet me with a soft kiss and a hug.

"Champagne and cake in the morning? I'm really spoilt today." I teased.

"Well, you only turn 25 once, right? So why not?"

"Are you tryna get me drunk?" I squinted my eyes at my woman and she smiled and rolled her eyes at me.

"No, that bottle is actually for later. You can keep the balloons though."

I smiled and put the bottle on the counter before going to check on my little boy.

I hadn't noticed the HAPPY BIRTHDAY banner that hung in the room until I tore my gaze away from Noah. Liv had decorated our hotel room with a few more balloons and some flowers.

"What time were you up?" I turned around to look at her after I'd admired the room.

"Real early," Liv smiled, "I wanted to make everything special so..."

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