✔Twelve: "You're really happy, aren't you?"

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I kicked the front door closed with the heel of my sneaker after stepping into the house. It was quiet and I thought that my mom and Liv were outside, until I heard some shuffling in the kitchen.

My mom stood in front of the stove with an apron on, tasting food from one of the pots in front of her.

"Hi, mom." I walked up to her to greet her with a kiss on her cheek.

"Hi, honey. How are you?"


"Is everything set for your launch?" She smiled.

"Yup," I smiled. "Where's Liv?"

My mom's smile slowly faded and she turned off the stove.

"She's napping in her study." She took off the apron and went to put it away.

"Why? What did you two get up to while I was away?"

My mom simply shook her head.

"Is she okay?" I asked.

"She'll talk to you about today when she wakes up, Justin."

"About what? What happened?"

"It's not my place to say. Just wait for Olivia to tell you when she's up, okay? And don't force it out of her. If she doesn't tell you today, she'll tell you tomorrow."

"Tell me what, mom?"

"I've gotta go. Dinner's ready, by the way," My mom kissed my cheek, "I love you."

"I love you too." I watched her walk off.

I was confused and immediately began to worry so I made my way over to check on Liv.

She was lying on a couch in the seating area of her study with a faux fur throw covering her lower body. On the coffee table in front of her were some pieces of paper-- crumpled ones too-- some tissues and a pen.

She shifted and curled up before opening her eyes which had swelled up slightly to show she'd been crying.

My heart dropped at the sight of her.

Why didn't she call me if she was going through something? I would've dropped everything to come be with her.

"Hey, Olive." I teased her to lift the mood a little.

She smiled weakly and brushed her short hair our of her face as she sat up.

"What's going on?" I went to sit next to her.

Olivia closed her eyes as soon as I took her hand. Her emotions were still raw and it was evident in the way her breath hitched when I kissed her temple.

"Hey, what's the matter?" I started rubbing her back.

"I pushed him away." She whimpered.


"The cramps and all of that. The dream was so on point and I didn't take it seriously."

"Liv, sweetheart, you're not making any sense."

"In the dream he was kicking. It felt good at first, like it probably should, and then he kicked harder and harder until I could make out the shape of his little feet pushing against my belly and I told him to stop because it hurt so much. He wouldn't stop. He wanted to get out."

I was so confused.

"I lost one, Justin." Liv looked at me with tears streaming down her face, "I lost one because I said I wasn't ready. He felt it and he left. Why didn't I go to a doctor when you said I should?"

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