| Fifteen |

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"Johana! Thats why she fainted! Because she's carrying my baby!" I say and we all go back to celebrating until we hear a cough. We all separate and see the doctor who is attending Johana. I run up to him and ask how Johana is doing.


Continued ...

3rd POV
"Well she is pregnant as you were just exclaiming. But-" He gets interrupted by Joel "But what?" he ask the doctor feeling something is way off.

"She is diagnosed with stage 3 cancer." he says in kind of a hushed tone. For a moment everything is quiet. Joel can't seem to sink in what the doctor just said. "The type of cancer she has is called Uterus cancer. It grows in the womens uterus-" he once again is interrupted by Joel grabing him by the shirt and pushing him up against the wall.

"You're fucking lieing you stupid worthless piece of shit doctor!" Joel yells in the doctors face. "Sir please calm down im not done." the doctor says calmly. Eventually Richard and Zabdiel take Joel off of the doctor and get a tight grip on him just in case.

"Please continue doctor." says Richard with no emotion. "Um Im sorry to say this but since the tumor is about 4-5 inches big the baby will not be able to survive. It won't have enough room to grow and develop." At that point Joel can't take it anymore he gets out of Richards and Zabdiels grip and punches the doctor in the face. Fortunately Yoandri reacts face and grabs Joel one more time. "Joel calmate!" is all Yoandri is managed to say. Joel calms down a bit but he ends up breaking down. He can't stop the tears and sobs. He feels his heart breaking each time he breathes.

"Im sorry but, both the baby and Johana have 8 months to live. There's nothing we can do for the cancer. It incurable. Im really sorry." he says while looking at Joel with sympathy in his eyes even after he punched him.

"C-can we-e see he-r?" asks Khris who's at the verge of tears.

"Yes only 2 at a time. Her room is 1684 in the 12 floor." and with that the doctor leaves.

Joel dosent hesitate he leaves off to the elevator while crying. He needs to see her. He needs to be with them. For he never knows what will happen tomorrow.

The End.

~~~ A/N lol jk its not over yet we still got alot to go!! But Omg she got cancer bruh 💔😥 comment what you guys think.

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