1 : adoption

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it was a normal day at seoul pre-school. i was cleaning up the mess the children made while they ate their lunch.

"ms jung? can i talk to you for a minute?" ms seo, the principal, asked.

"sure. what do you need, ms seo?" i asked. i took a chair and sat down while facing the pricipal.

"well, you see," she paused and searched through her bag. she took out a picture, "these seven little boys lost their parents."

i took the picture and observe it. most of them look like 6 year olds. i look up, signaling the principal to continue.

"they need help." she said. "someone needs to adopt them and take care of them."

i nodded. "so, what is your point?"

"i need you to adopt these boys. i would gladly help, but, i've had enough kids at home. so, do you think you can handle them?"

i don't really want to handle such responsibility but i also don't want to decline the offer. they all look so lonely without their parents. i looked up to ms. seo, "i'll take them."

"thank you so much, ms. jung!" she exclaimed. she searched in her bag and took out a paper. she opened up the folded paper and slid the paper over at me. "fill these up. hand it over to me before 6pm, okay?"

i nodded. i fold the paper and put it in my purse. the bell rang and the children came back into the class.

they all sat down and silence took over the class for a few seconds until i spoke up, "guys, you all are gonna meet 6 new boys and one little guy joining your class next week!" i exclaimed.

the class cheered and started to guess who will be joining them. i smiled at them and took some coloring papers. i handed one to each student.

"color these and when you're finished, hand them to me, okay?"


i sat down on my desk and filled up the form and when i finished i looked at it. i am going to be a mother. this is too fast. i'm just a 19 year old girl who just found a job and suddenly i am taking care of 7 children?

the kids went home and i'm locking the classroom door. i immediately went to the principal's office to submit this form and ask a few questions.

i knocked the door and she lets me in. i sat down in front of her and handed her the form.

"ms. seo, can i ask you something?"

"sure, dear. what is it?" she looked up at me after putting away the filled up form.

"when am i going to stop taking care of them? is it in 5 years or?"

"this is until you get married." she said, with her monotoned voice.

"what?! how am i gonna afford clothes and food? i just got a job. i only can afford my own food." i said.

"it's okay, dear. the orphanage will suply you with their clothes and food. their food will be sent to your house every month and their clothes will be given to you once a year. 3 pairs of clothes for each boy, so, don't get them mixed. and their clothes will come in small boxes with their names on it, so that you would never be confused. it's a covered up for you, so, don't get stressed about it. you're the one who agreed on doing this right? " she asked after explaining.

"right," i slumped down on the chair. "i did agreed. but it was out of pity. and i just can't say no to a bunch of cute little marshmallows."

"well, that's what makes you, you. you're kind, eunha. i'm suprised you still haven't got a boyfriend. you're pretty, smart and kind. your mom would be proud of you." she said, softly.

the mention of my mom makes me sad. my parents died in cruise ship. they died on their vacation. i have to take care of myself for 8 years.

i got a job at a rundown part of seoul. not a lot of kids go to this pre-school because most of the families in korea are rich and live in seoul city.

the families who lives here are one of those familes who don't really have that much money but they live well here. the air here is fresh and there's a beach not far away from this school.

i was from an orphanage. i got home-schooled. my dream was actually to be a successful woman who lives in the highest floor of a luxurious apartment but all that faded away when ms. seo decided to take me in.

i lived with ms. seo or seo junghyun for 3 years now. i don't really call her mom but she is like my second mom and i appreciate that.

back to reality, i was starting up my car and drove back home. i live a big neighbourhood in seoul. it is actually a 50 minite drive from the pre-school to my house.

basically, i live in seoul city. yes, i got a house, live in seoul city, but why do i work at a small pre-school, you ask? i wanted to help people. the teachers there aren't so many, so ms. seo told me to help and i gladly accepted it.

i opened my door and went inside. i ran up to my sofa and jumped on it. i lied down on the sofa and sighed.

"this saturday is going to so hectic."

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