5 : my boyfriend ?

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i can't believe it's already 4 months since i have adopted the kids. it feels just like it was yesterday.

i yawned as i stretched out my whole body. the kids were still sleeping, so, i took my time to shower and get ready.
since it is a long holiday, we all decided to sleep in. it's 10am and they're still sleeping. i shouldn't have let them stay up late with me.

i wore my gardening attire because today is hoseok's favourite day of the week — that is gradening day! every sunday, we would do some gardening like planting vegetables and fruits.

after finishing my pigtail-braids, i woke up everyone. hoseok shot up right after i touched his arm.

"IT IS GARDENING DAY!!" he screamed as he took his towel and ran to the bathroom. i chuckled at his eagerness.

everyone else we're like zombies, grabing their respective towels and slowly went into the bathroom in a line.

since jungkook is still a year old, i let him wait and continue his sleep. i waited for the other 6 to finish their showering.

after everyone finished getting ready, i put on their gardening hats (with their names poorly sewn on by me), their boots and some sunscreen.

"let's go!" i cheered.

we went out and put them into groups;

● seokjin and yoongi - planting team
● hoseok and namjoon - harvesting fruits team
● jimin and taehyung - harvesting vegetables team
● me and jungkook - watering team

every week the teams will change their tasks but, me and jungkook will stay as the watering team.

we are currently waiting until they finish harvesting and planting the seeds. i took a lot of pictures.

i observed everything. i was watching chim and tae harvesting potatoes.

"tae, look at this!" jimin raised and clean and big potato. "it's big, we could make a lot of fries with this."

taehyung scoffed while showing a bigger potato. "please, mine is bigger."

they argued to who has the most biggest potato. i lightly giggled and walked over to them (and no, i didn't forget jungkook).

"now, boys. there's no time to argue who has the biggest potato. it's getting hotter and i don't want you to get sunburns."

they stopped arguing and said sorry as they continued harvesting their potatoes.

i walked over to the fruit team. they worked in silence. since there's not that much fruits to harvest they finished early.

everything was finished by 4pm. we all sat in the backyard to have a picnic (also an activity we do every sundays). we ate sandwiches and drank some apple juice.

it was such a perfect day!


after the picnic, we all showered and sat in my library. i read them my favourite childhood book. they all sat in silence while listening to my story telling.

my reading was interupted by my doorbell. namjoon stood up and volunteer to open the main door but i decided to finish the story telling session and just open the door together.

i opened the door to see my boyfriend. i squealed in happiness and hugged him.

the boys were very confused to who the hell is this boy who came at late at night. well, it's 7pm. it's not that late.

namjoon tugged at the hem of my sweatshirt. "noona, who is this guy?"

hwanhee chuckled and crouched down to their level. "hi guys!" he said, showing his charming eyesmile.

"my name is shin hwanhee. i'm your noona's boyfriend. i came here today to meet you!" he chuckled with his low ass voice.

"you look familiar, mister shin." seokjin said, narrowing his eyes at hwanhee with a smile plastered on his face.

"ah! seokjin, right? you helped me carry my things a few days ago." hwanhee smiled.

i was happily watching them interacting. it was my plan to invite hwanhee here to meet the kids. he agreed immediatly.

"let's eat dinner guys! hwanhee, wanna join?" i asked him. he stood and nodded.

we went to the dining room and ate the food i made earlier. we finished earlier than usual because jungkook was sleepy and the kids want to play with hwanhee.

i left hwanhee with the kids while i accompanied jungkook in my room.

hwanhee's pov

i sat down on the floor in the living room with the kids while eunha put jungkook to sleep.

i decided to do a Q&A with the kids. seokjin started the game.

"hyung, how did eunha noona and you met?" he asked me, resting his head on his hands. the others followed his actions. i can see that their eyes are sparkling.

"well, it started when i was the new teacher in the school.."

~ flashback ~

i was sitting alone in the teacher's lounge, eating my lunch. since i'm the new teacher, i haven't made any friends.

everyone was talking and having fun but i was eating in silence. i was about to close my lunchbox but tray was placed right in front of me.

the person who was holding the tray has very small and delicate hands. a girl's hand.

i looked up to see long blacked-haired girls smiling with her very cute dimples.

"hey, i see you are the new teacher?" she squinted her eyes, "hwan.. hee..?"

"shin hwanhee." i showed her my nametag closer.

"well, mr. shin, i'm gonna be your friend from now on." she smiled, sticking her hand out for a handshake.

i smiled and gladly took her hand and shook it.

~ end of flashback ~

"... and we continued talking to each other and one day, i asked her out. like not for a friendly-date, but a date-date. after many dates later, i finally asked her to be my girlfriend."

"... and i never regretted accepting him." eunha said while standing from afar, watching us the whole time.

eunha sat down next to me and rested her head on my shoulder. i caressed her head.

after a looong Q&A session it's finally time for them to sleep. we finished by 9pm.

after tucking them in, eunha escorted my to the front door.

"i didn't expect the kids will like you." eunha said, giggling.

"hmph, i need to be good with kids because when we get married, we're gonna have kids." i smirked.

eunha blushed and proceeded to hit me while i chuckled. "please, 5 months in and you're already planning to marry me?"

"of course. i fell so hard for you i don't think my love for you will fade."

eunha blushed once again. "stop being so cheesy, you idiot. it's getting late you need to get home."

"hmph, you don't want me here?" i said, pouting.

in a split second, a pair of lips met mine. we passionately kissed before she pulled away. my ears felt hot after that.

"now go, we're going on a family date tomorrow!" she hugged me before pushing me outside.

"goodnight... princess." i said as she locked her door.

i drove back home feeling happy as ever.


+ hi . mina is back . im sorry i havent updated for a very long long time . this long chapter is for the long absence . i love you guys ! +

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