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His arm felt heavy around her waist, but she made no move to move it. It made her feel safe, like nothing could get to her as long as he's holding her. She'd never admit it, but within the last few years, she started to feel something more than a partnership for her friend. It was probably the most terrifying thing to her.

The gray light of the sun filled the room and illuminated Adrien next to her. They had slept facing away from each other in the beginning, but they rolled over at some point of the night. Now, their legs were tangled with each other as Marinette stared at his chest.

She reached up and traced his jaw. It had become sharper within the last seven years, along with his nose and other features. He had a scar from a terrified Exposed child that they once found. One swipe of the knife and he was sporting a new mark.

Her gaze moved down. There were so many scars, so many reminders of when he would risk his life. There were many, she knew, from his father as well. Just a couple of whippings (apparently all by a belt) when he 'misbehaved'. It happened to his brother as well. 'I know he didn't mean it as abusive,' he had told her when she first saw. 'In his mind, he was just improving us.'

"I'm flattered that you're staring at me, my lady, but I do find it creepy that you're doing it in my sleep. And touching me no less."

She retracted her hand as she jumped. Slowly, his eye opened, and he smirked. "Morning, Marinette."

Rolling over, she pulled the blankets over her head to hide blush. Her heart was beating faster at the sound of her real name on his lips. But she'd be damned if he knew that. She hadn't been avoiding his flirting for seven years for nothing.

You weren't thinking that last night when you were all over him. She told herself. Ashamed, Marinette pulled the blankets further.

"So, my lady," his voice got closer, "we really didn't discuss what we're going to call each other last night." His fingers brush her shoulder, making her shiver despite the warm blanket. She closed her eyes and prayed that he didn't notice. He did, of course.

"I'm serious. You and I both know that if anyone else finds out, we're good as dead." He pulled her closer and buried his face in her hair. Marinette would have been lying if she said that she didn't like it, the feeling of him against her back and his breath gently blowing on her neck. Her eyes fluttered as she closed them. "We should talk, huh?" she whispered.


But neither talked. They lay there together with their legs intertwined and hearts stepping out line. His hand squeezed hers. Closing her eyes, Marinette let out a soft sigh and moved closer to him. This is the closest I'm ever going to get to a normal teenaged life. Better make the best out of it, I guess.

Her bare back pressed against his chest slightly, almost making her shiver again at the contact. Last night, she had gotten the bright idea to wash their clothes in the bathroom. That, unfortunately, led to them not having enough to sleep in. Thus the awkward night of 'not touching each other in case one of us (Adrien) is still horny' had commenced yet again.

It's not like we haven't seen each other naked before, Marinette reminded herself when she couldn't go to sleep. Her eyes had stayed on the Eiffel Tower as she concentrated on not moving. Majority of it had been covered by the Wall, but she could still see the top. And it's definitely not like we haven't had sex before. So why is it awkward now? Because Chloé walked in on us? That's happened multiply times with multiple people! I'm pretty sure a group of kids once wondered in on us before!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2016 ⏰

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