Ask #5- Fite Me

284 12 9

(Yeeesss xD Let there be hugs!!)

CittyKatYuki: What are you doing with Papyrus, right now! :3

And, can I get a hug! ^^

actually pap is making his 12th batch of spaghetti right now.

i ate about 7 of those...

that's fine though, he seems to be enjoying himself, considering earlier today was quite.... exciting...

let's just say i almost got shanked by undyne for calling her waifu "lisa the dinosaur".

she basically chased me halfway across the underground, and probably would've caught me if i didn't have the magic of teleporting. in anycase, because i only have 1 hp it scared papyrus out of his skin, so he pretty much begged undyne to stop trying to slaughter me. thanks to my bro, i live to see another day.

oh and here's that hug ya asked for...

*Hugs Citty*

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