50- Wait, What?!

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You were absolutely exhausted, cause it was your first day of school in middle earth. You just turned 15, which in hobbit age is when you start school. There was a horse-driven cart that picked you up from your house at the rise of the sun in the morning. You fill your bag with quills, ink, paper, and books that were given to you by the school. Hoping to make friends quickly, you hop onto the cart and sit down next to a smaller boy with very curly hair, even for hobbit standards. There was another boy similar in appearance to him sitting beside him. "Hi, my name's (Y/N), what's your name?" The boy looked at you and smiled. "My name's Pippin, and this is Merry. This is your first year of school, yeah?" "Yeah it's my first year." You replied shyly. He smiles at you again, letting you ease out of your shell before replying. "Us too, but we plan to do a little more than learn. We may attempt to start some trouble later in the year, but you'll find out when you find out." He says. The cart pulls up to the school, and you were handed your schedules. You looked to see that all the accelerated classes you applied for were in there. You got fighting and art as your two electives. You smirk to yourself, before walking over to Pippin and Merry. "Hey, what do your schedules look like?" You ask them. "We both have identical classes, what's yours?" Merry says before taking your schedule out of your hand. He shows it to Pippin and they both smile. "Luckily, we have most of the same classes, except I have carpentry instead of art" Pippin explains and hands you back the paper. The bell rang faintly, signaling the beginning of class. You look around, realizing that the room you were in was empty. "No! We're going to be late!" You tell as you run to your first class, advanced reading. You open the door panting, you look at the teacher, smile, and sit in an empty chair. "Alright children, I'm your reading teacher Mr. Baggins, I'm happy to teach you this year. What we will be doing now is what I call the 'introduction game'. We all sit in a circle, say your name, your favorite thing to do, and one fact about you. Alright, let's do this, yeah?" Mr. Baggins tells the class. They all sit in a circle, you sitting with Merry on one side and a dark haired, rather thin boy on the other. "Okay, who shall we start with? Hmm.. Alright, you! He exclaims and points to you. You clear your throat then smile. "Hi, my name's (Y/N), my favorite thing to do is play in the woods, and I would consider myself to be very good at riding horses." You say with another smile. "Wait a second, full sized horses?" The dark haired boy asked. "No, of course not, I'm far too small. Ponies." You say. "Alright, the young man next to (Y/N), your turn." Mr. Baggins says, gesturing to Merry. "My name is Merry, my favorite thing to do is pull pranks, and I am mostly took but a little bit of something else that I don't know." He says with a laugh. The other students went and talked about themselves, until it got to Frodo. "So, my dear Frodo, tell us about yourself. Frodo here is family of mine." Mr. Baggins says. "Hi, my name's Frodo, my favorite thing to do is read, and I am very interested in adventures" he said. The class ended, and you headed to science, and it went the same way. Introduction, then folder setup. The rest of your classes went the same until you got to fighting. "Alright class, today we will be doing the introduction game, and then a skill test. It's not a test more of seeing what you're capable of. You remind yourself that you were half elf, and that you were a pretty good fighter. After introductions, you were second in line. "Okay (Y/N), you will start with knives and swords, then hand to hand, then bows, alright?" The teacher said. You nod and he hands you an obviously dulled sword and shows you a group of targets. This was going to be fun. You made a show out of jumping and flipping between each one, using your acrobatic skill to nearly cut the heads off of them. The whole class, even the teacher looked at you impressed and surprised. "Oh well then, time for hand to hand. Your opponent will be Aragorn. A fairly skinny boy with long brown hair walks up to you, High fives you, and gets into a fighting stance. You mimick him, and you two begin. He knocks you down and pins you to the ground, but you manage to escape and pin him down by the wrists. You sit on his waist, and put your hand you victory, then help him up. You shake hands then the teacher leads you to a target on the wall opposite of you, and you are handed a bow, with two arrows. You load one, and send it flying toward the target, and land it right in the middle. The class went on, and you were smiling to yourself because you, not to bluff, were the best fighter, along with Aragorn.
~~~ a few months later ~~~
This was it. The day kids were asking each other to the first year dance. You had started developing a major crush on Pippin, but he was clueless about it. You were thinking of asking him to the dance. You talked to you dad about it. "Dear (Y/N), it is frowned upon for the woman to ask the boy out." He said wisely. "I don't care dad! Society can not dictate my actions!" You tell as you grab your bag and storm out. You weren't paying attention to the weather, but it was pouring outside. You had no idea where to go at first but then you remembered your friend Rosie said if anything happened to you to come to her. You ran in the direction of her house.
You knocked on her door to see her mom answer. "Hello sweetie, is there anything I can help you with?" "I need to talk to Rosie, and it's urgent." You say as her mother hands you a towel and a set of dry clothes. "Put these on first, I don't want water tracked around my house." Her mom says with a laugh. You go to the washroom and change, wrapping the towel around your (H/C) hair. You walk into Rosie's room to see her working on her homework at her desk. "I need to talk, like right now." You say as she jumps then puts a hand to her chest. "You startled me! What's wrong?" She asks. "Okay I told my dad that I wanted to ask the guy I like to the dance instead of waiting for him to ask me. Plus, he might never even ask. I got mad at him and ran out of the house. "Who is this boy you want to ask?" She asks, inviting you to sit on her bed with her. You sit and sigh, debating internally whether to tell her or not. "I'll tell you my crush if you tell me his name." "Alright, I like Pippin." You say. "Oh I like Sam! We should both ask them at the same time! They both are in our science class! Go back home before it gets too dark." She says excitedly. You thank her and her mother before walking home. "Dad, I decided to listen to you. I am feeling very tired, so I'm going to sleep. Goodnight." You say as you walk into your room and set your bag down.
~~~ the next day ~~~
This was it. You would ask out pippin and Rosie would ask out Sam. The two of you sat together in the back of the cart talking together about it. School was boring as usual, then the time for science came around. You and Rosie walk right up to pippin and Sam. "Hey Pippin, there's something I would like to ask you. Would you lurk to go to the dance with me? I've liked you for a while." You say, looking at him hopeful. "Um, yeah, I've liked you too, but I was too embarrassed to ask." You both smile at each other and sit down, leaving Rosie and Sam. "So Sam , how about you, do you wanna go with me?" She asks. He blushes and starts to stutter. "Y-yeah I'd love to go with you. Sorry if I'm a little awkward I'll try not the be like that okay see you after class." He stumbles before going to sit down. The rest of the week more an smiles kids were getting excited for the dance. The cart dropped Pippin and Sam off at Frodo's house and you off at Rosie's. You walk in the door and let out an excited squeal. You jump and hug her. "Alright, where's your dress?" You ask her, yours in your hand. "Come on, it's in my room." She says. Your dress looked like this

 Your dress looked like this

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Her dress looked like this

You both got ready and headed back to the school yard

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You both got ready and headed back to the school yard.
You walked to a large white pavilion, and you see a dance floor and a stage with musical instruments on it. You see pippin and Sam walk up dressed pretty well, and you thought he looked attractive. You walked up to him and Rosie walked up to Sam. The other kids walked up, and they played a slow song. He walked toward you and put his hand on your waist. You jumped a little but put your arms around his neck. He looked at your arm then motioned to Rosie and Sam. Man they looked so in love it was crazy. The rest of the night went incredible, and you couldn't have dreamed of it any better.

~~~ (A/N) ~~~
This was my official 50th imagine! Yay! This means that I will post the 1st chapter of the original story I'm writing! Please please please read it and let me know what you think? Thanks! It probably won't be updated for a while. Love y'all! ❤️

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