Chapter 1 - The Skye is Falling!

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Vox's Point of View
So basically, I'm just walking down this sidewalk past some coffee shops and an awesome club with people partying around when suddenly, I bump into something! Or rather someone...

And I practically melted when I saw who I bumped into.

It was a girl. Yes, you heard me right, guys...a girl. She looked....very Japanese... There was a white cap that looked like the small origami boats lined with red and she wore a brown coat. The girl had red lips and brownish or whatever color hair that flipped over her shoulder.

Am I dreaming? She looked so...I don't know....

"Hey," the girl spoke. I shook out of my trance, startled. "Are you done looking at me?"

"U-um, h-hello," I stuttered. "H-how are you doing-g? M-my name is V-Vox...heh...." I scratched my head.

The girl giggled because my expression when I saw her "magnificent beauty".

"Well, my name is Skye," she said sweetly. "I see you have....some sort of...feeling there, do you?" She smirked.

"I don't!"

"Or do you....? Well, I gotta go. Business to attend, can't miss them." Then Skye turned and left and a very feminine gait that made me melt even more.

I can tell that some lust gathered in my eyes, but I shook them off.

Turning on my heel, I started down the sidewalk, cutting through the plaza and to my house, remembering that very awkward moment...
Skye's Point of View
As I turned a corner, the image of the boy, Vox, popped up into my mind. He had a very cute face and a childish grin. I know he likes me from the way he reacted when he saw me.

Love at first sight. I smirked at the thought.

Turning, I put my hand on the doorknob of the coffee shop, Paul's Paultastic Coffee, and shoved the door open. I made my way through the room and found myself a nice comfy spot to sit in. Plopping down a chair, a waiter came over.

"How can I help you, miss?" The waiter said nervously, obviously stunned by my beauty.

"The best coffee you have here," I replied, crossing my legs as the waiter scurried off the prepare the coffee.

As I waited, I took in the features of this shop. The furniture was wood, a medium-sized chandelier hung on the ceiling, and clinking of coffee cups rang through the room by people who were sitting at their table, telling jokes and sipping like they were cool or something like that.

Suddenly, the door of the store's bell rang and a man stepped in. More like a teenager though. He looked familiar. Headphones, yellow shirt, radio on his belt, and the cute face. Not to mention the childish grin.

"Vox?" I called Vox to my table. "What are you doing here?"

"Clearing my mind," he grinned and plopped down on the chair opposite of me. "And what are you doing here?"

"Clearing my mind."

"As this famous dude says,'Great minds think alike.' Wait, I'm not exactly sure on where that came from."

"Haha...waiter! Coffee for this dude over here!" I pointed at Vox.

The waiter came by with the coffee I ordered, gave me the cup, and scurried off to get another one.

Vox blushes when he looked at me and chuckled nervously.

"Something wrong?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Heh, nothing," Vox replied nervously, sometimes throwing glances in my direction.

"Tell me you are in you-know-what with me."

"W-what?! I'm not in you-know-what with you!"

"It's hard confessing, isn't it?"

"I t-told you I'm not in you-know-what with you!"

I sipped a portion of my coffee as Vox continued to blush. "Please," I pleaded with puppy eyes. "Are you...?"

The waiter came by with Vox's coffee. "Here you go, sir," he said. "Enjoy!"

Vox practically melted because of my puppy eyes in addition to my stunning beauty.

"Well, I have to go," said Vox, blushing slightly. He stood up from his chair and then, taking his coffee cup, he placed paid the bill and left.
Vox's Point of View
As I walked down the sidewalk, I felt something on my chest. A sort of feeling. If you guessed right, it was on my heart. I don't know what it is, but I think it's bad.

How could Skye say that I love her? Sure she is beautiful and hot and all that, but love? I don't think I was ready for that and sure enough, she caught me blushing whenever I was near her. Her presence melted me.

I took gulped down the remaining drops of coffee and then threw it in a nearby trash can. Do I love her? I thought as I turned a corner and down the sidewalk to a neighborhood where I lived. I think I need to tell Taka, Adagio, and Ringo about this. I turned on my heel and started off toward the Halcyon Bar.
Taka's Point of View
"Ring, you're drinking too much," I garbled as my friend, Ringo, and I were slouching in our seats, a bit drunk from the Halcyon Burns we have been drinking. Our friend, Adagio, sat next to us, keeping an eye on the area as he read a book.

"Moaarrrr," Ringo said, way drunk. "Need....moaaarrrrr...Burnss.......!" He slammed his fist on the table, shaking it.

"No more drinking, Ring," Adagio warned as he regained his position after the horrible shaking. Glasses clinked all over the bar as drunkard's noises dominated the air.

"MOOAAARRRR!!!" Ringo growled as he tipped his head back and gulped another whole Burns. He hiccuped then passed out.

The bar's door opened and in came Vox, my friend. He looked a bit desperate.

"Taka, Taka!" Vox panted as he plopped down in the seat next to me. "Guys, I have something to tell ya."

"What...would dat be...?" I garbled, trying to fight against being super drunk like my friend, Ringo, here.

"Do you know a girl named Skye?"

"'Course I do....! Dated every girl an' dump 'em.....met Skye, too. What she look like?"

Vox rolled his eyes. "Long hair, pretty face, brown jacket, curvaceous, white hat," he described.

"Sure," I said, slowly regaining consciousness. "She good. You meet her, what she do? What you do?" I smirked.

"Oh, she asked me if I loved her because I always blushes whenever I meet her and I'm too afraid to confess!" Vox explained. "What should I do?"

"Just confess," I said, almost fully conscious. "Do it. Express you feelin'..."

"Are you sure I can do it?"

"You can do it, bro. I have faith in you."

"Alright." Vox slowly got up from his chair and walked out of the bar to confess his love to Skye.

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