Chapter Two

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   "Now that everyone is here and present. I could like to address why I called all of you here." Hunter turns around in his big brown leather office chair to a big monitor that hung on the wall behind him. The screen comes to life with charts, diagrams and graphs. Everyone turns their heads to the monitor now. "As you can see, the rations of food and supplies are running low." Hunter brings up a holographic keyboard in front of him and types in a few commands. A wave graph zooms in on the screen to signify the decline of food and the increase of the people coming to the base, it wasn't a good sign. "Hopefully you're all aware of the upcoming winter," Hunter states. It was true, because Hunter's left iris was pearl-white which signifies that winter is coming up and his right eye was golden-brown meant that fall was ending and soon both of his eyes would be pearl-white. "And I have a feeling it's not going to be smooth sailing."

"What do you suggest we do?" Garrett asks with arms cross her chest in a thinking manner.

"We need to get supplies that our necessary if we are going to survive this winter, such as blankets, fire wood, heaters and whatever else that we can get our hands on so everyone won't freeze to death."

"What about the wall and newcomers," Garrett begins, "you say that this isn't going to be an easy winter. But more people are coming in seeking shelter and we're running out of room. We don't have many runners and becoming more defenseless if we keep sending our Neon's out there. We need to build more defenses and a stronger structure on the wall and the area around it as well. I'm not telling you what to do, this is just suggestions that I think would keep us and our community safe from dangers that are lurking into the base."

"I can see your point Garrett and thank you for making those suggestions. And since you came up with them, I want a full report on our defense and the list of everyone that is physically capable to work the wall and around the base in 3 days."

"Yes sir," Garrett says with a smile.

"How are we doing on ammo and armor, Henry?" Hunter turns back to everyone and the holographic keyboard vanishes in a blink of an eye.

"I'll have to check in the armory, but I think we are fine at the moment. If you want me to make more, then I can do that."

"That would be great," Hunter says with a smile and nod. "Levi," he turns to her, "I don't want any of your officers to go outside of the base, do you understand?"

"I understand completely, sir."

  Now, Hunter turns to Wade and Beau, "I want you two to be more on top of criminal activity in the base. You know what that means, right?" Both Wade and Beau both knew what it meant, to be more guarded and more alerted of danger and suspicious activity. "Wade, I want to see you after the meeting in my office. Other than that, meeting dismissed."

   As everyone left the room, Beau says to be home soon to Wade and leaves. Hunter and Wade are the last people to exit the meeting room and head to the main office.

   "Am I in trouble for being late again?" Wade nervously asks Hunter, which makes him chuckle.

   "Heck no. You're not in trouble Wade. Quite the opposite really."

   "Then why do you want to speak to me alone?" As Wade asks this question they arrive in front of Hunter's office and walk in. Inside were filing cabinets, bookshelves filled with knowledge of Neon and mundane history. In the center of the office was a large dark oak table just like the one in the meeting room, on there are monitors, stacks of papers, an old looking lamp and a bundle of supplies scattered all over the table top.

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