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After the little 'incident' that happened outside Luke brought me back to the hotel while the others stayed back to, I quote 'take care of some business' as I came in the room Clair and Emily looked pretty worried.

"What the Hell happened?"

"Where did you run off to?"

"Where are the other guys?"

They asked running up to us.

"I went to the park to clear my thoughts, then this creep comes up to me and tries to get me in his van, tempting me with the thought of ice cream, then the guys came and saved me."

I say, looking over at Luke, who walked to the couch and sat down, he then adds,

"And the guys are out there, probably beating the shit out of the guy."

"Oh, so now harm done?"

Emily asks, looking back at me.


"What about self harm?"

Clair asked looking at me worriedly

"Damn it! Michael had to tell everyone didn't he?!"

I exclaimed.

"He was concerned!"

Luke said, his head popping off of the couch so he could look at me with somewhat a pissed off expression. Gee what did I do? Oh right.

"I know, but..."

"Well that douche will probably learn from mistakes."

Ashton laughed as he walked in.

"You okay kiddo?"

Calum asked, following Ash and Michael.

"Yea fine thanks to you guys."

I say as he walked over and gave me a hug.

"Well since we're all okay, can we just watch a movie now?"

Michael asks, flopping down back onto the automan. I'm a little pissed off at him at the moment for him just blabbing out shit like that! I was planning on telling Luke and them sometime, I just didn't exactly know how...

"What are we going to watch?"

Ashton said, sitting back in the chair with Clair

"Have you seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off?"

I ask, it's one of my favorites.

"You've seen that? It's a really old movie."

Calum asked surprised.

"I used to watch it all the time with my mom when I was little. Yea, we used to have so much fun together watching movies and stuff."

I say, smiling at the memories of my mom and I watching this movie, screaming when 'Cameron goes berserk' and just having the best time together.

"I remember one day she took me to the zoo, and then she took me to go shopping, then she took me to our favorite restaurant that was one of my favorite memories of my mom... and the last one."

I say not even realizing that they were paying attention to me at all. A tear rolled down my cheek, remembering the graphic tragedy that my mom went through. I miss her. I wish I was the one to die in the car crash, not my mom. I wish I was the one who felt the pain, then just let go. Cops have identified the crash as one of the most horrific accidents that they've ever seen. More and more tears rolled down my face, and I felt Luke's arms wrap around me. Is it bad I still fangirl every time he does that?

"It's okay."

He said over, and over again. Its not though. I'm not okay, well I'm not O-Fucking-Kay. HA, sorry had to. The tour seemed to fly by fast, because the next thing I know, I'm back on a plane with Michael, Calum, Ashton, and Luke on our way back to Australia.

"Hey we never asked because of tour and stuff, but do you go to school?"

Luke asked me while we were on the plane


I say back.

"Well do you want to go to the public school, or do you want to be home schooled?"

He asks.

"Public school I guess, no offence but maybe I should make some friends other than you guys."

Just as I say that, Michael let's out a shriek.

"Jesus Mike, what the Hells the matter with you?"

Calum asked


Michael shrieks again, making everyone on the plane look at him like he's crazy.

"Fair enough."

Luke laughs, then he puts his ear buds in and I notice I got a text



Wats up?-Katy

We're on our way back home-me


Do u still wanna meet up when u get back?-Katy



Lol. Luke said I'm going to start attending school-me






Lol, I gtg ttyl-me

Kk BYE-Katy

Then I turned my phone off and slowly drifted off into a slumber.


FIRST OFF, WHY THE FUCK DID I SAY SLUMBER? I SOUND SO PROPER. "hey how'd u sleep?" "oh very good, I had a very nice SLUMBER." "I'm sorry, what the Fuck did you just say?" "Oh nothing, I'm just saying I enjoyed my SLUMBER is all." HA! WHOOS! I PROBABLY SHOULNT BE UP THIS LATE MY GOD! BTW DID U LIKE MY MCR REFERENCE? I KNO I DID! SO LIKE ALWAYS,

PEACE, LOVE AND SPAWK'S TITY'S (Wait I don't say that)

Btw: I want ppl 2 start putting random name suggestions 4 Wat the titles should b called cuz the #'s r sooo lame. So just message me, or post them on the wattpad board thing, or just comment shit under: #betterthanthefuckingnumbers I promise I'll give all of them a chance before the book comes to it's end 😊

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