Everyone including Lindsay got up off the couch to go see Morgan. They turned around the corner to see her body on the floor but no head and blood everywhere. Angela was smirking while Cailin cried. After about 30 minutes of cleaning up the blood a lot of people went to bed except for Angela, Jared, Hayden and Lindsay. Angela, Jared and Lindsay were in the kitchen at the table and Hayden was just goin to bed.
" Ok guys Cailin is next" said Angela
" Ok why" answered Jared
" Becuase she is best friends with Morgan and she needs to go" said Angela
" This is such a pretty red" said Lindsay
" What the fuck is that Morgans blood" said Angela
" Whos Morgan" replied Lindsay
" The girl that just got blown up" said Jared
"Ohh when" said Lindsay
" Like an hour ago!" screamed Jared
" Ok guys we are going to go to the final 3 and we are gana keep Jordan and Eric to the last 5" said Angela
" Okkk" They both replied.
" Wakey wakey its time for the next challange" said Erin
Everyone was in routine so in about 5 minutes all of them were in the livingroom.
"Ok this challange is called dodgeball if you go in the kitchen you will see a line across the floor and 5 dodgeballs, So I put you in teams of 4. Cailin, Angela, Jared and Hayden your on 1 team Izzy, Lindsay,Eric, and Jordan your on the other now go" said Erin
Everyone went to the kitchen and got to there teams. They went to the back and waited for Erin to start the game. She blew a whistle and The game began. Izzy ran and got all the balls for her team and they threw. Izzy began to jump on the walls and laugh. Hayden and Angela got hit. Then Cailin threw two balls and hit Jordan and Eric. Izzy ran ran and threw it as hard as she could and hit both Cailin and Jared.
" Ahahaha Izzy rules" Laughed Izzy
" Congradulation to Izzy, Lindsay, Jordan and Eric you will go on to round two you each have a corner and the last one standing will win" said Erin
So the four each went into a corner and Erin blew the wistle. Lindsay pulled out her nail polish and began doing her nails. Jordan Eric and Izzy went for eachother scince Lindsay is easy to beat. Izzy got a double hit getting both Eric and Jordan.
" whoo Izzy is awsome!" screamed Izzy
Izzy got another ball and threw it. Lindsay walked and tripped on a ball and he mirror came flying out if her hands. The ball hit the mirror and deflected and went back at Izzy. It hit Izzy and Lindsay won.
" Congradulations Dodger Lindsay you have won and are now safe" screamed Erin in excitment
" Thats dodger Lindsay her hottness" said Lindsay
" Ok its time to send someone to death row" said Erin
Angela gatherd her people and said who had to go.
Everyone voted and Erin got the pot and read the votes.
" First vote Cailin, Cailin, Calin, Angela, Angela, Cailin, Cailin. Ok Cailin there is no nedd to continue you are bow gana die" laughed Erin
The claw came and grabbed Cailin. She screamed like never before. Cailin was now in Erins office strapped to a chair.
" Ok cailin I will be putting you in a cualdren of boiling cheese Ahahaha" laughed Erin
" Noo please dont please let me go" cried Cailin
" Nahh" said Erin
Erin grabbed a remote that rose the chair and moved it to a cualdren in the center of the room. she dropped it and Cailin dropped into the cualdren of boiling cheese.
" AHAHAHAHA" screamed Cailin over and over agin
Erin put the lid on the cualdren and locked it down. She then opened a closet and grabbed a person out of it and threw her in the house through the trap door.
Lucky #13
Horror13 strangers are kidnapped by a sadistic killer and must compete in challanges in order to stay safe. Each day one person is killed and the survivors must do another challange. The last one standing will recieve 5 million dollars. LET THE GAMES BEGI...