Chapter 8: The Fith to Die

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Everyone was in dibelief that Lindsay had just won her second challange in a row. She won the dodge ball challange and won the scavanger hunt. When Lindsay and Blainley went to bed the remaining people began to plot against them.

" Ok one of them must go" said Angela

" Ya they are really starting to get on my nerves, especially Lindsay" added Jordan

"Im am so awsome" said Izzy

" No you are frickin crazy" Said Angela

" Aha i know right when i was about 8 i accedently set fire to a elementry school, The RCMP are still like all over my butt" Replied Izzy

" Whatttt the fuck" Said Jared

" Your crazy" said Eric

The conversation continued on for a couple of hours untill they all finally went to bed. During the night Lindsay got up to go to the bathroom.

" Ahhhhhhhh!" screamed Lindsay

Everyone woke and ran to the bathroom to see Lindsay on the floor uncotoius.

" Oh my god Somebody help her" said Blainley

" Ah who cares just leave her" said Jordan

" Ya i agree lets go to bed" said Angela

Just then they herd laughing from the roof. They all looked up to see Izzy jumping down laughing and summer sualts in the air. At that moment Lindsay woke and Erin came on the anouncement.

" Oh i see that you are all up and awake so lets get to this i am going to turn the lights off so that you can not see and you will have five minutes to hide, the last person to be tagged will win" said Erin.

Erin turned off the light and everyone ran. Lindsay hid behind the lamp along with Blainley. Izzy hid on the roof and Angela went to a bedroom.

" Everyone is not safe the challange starts now" said Erin

Within five minutes Eric, Jordan and Angela were all found becuase Lindsay sold them out to Jared.

" Oh my god i am so smart" said Lindsay

" Me too" said Blainley

So now only Linsay Blainley Jared and Izzy remained in hide n seek. Then Lindsay tripped when Jared was walking by and tagged Jared so he was out.

" Oh my god i totally got you" said Lindsay

At that moment Izzy jumped from the roof and tagged both Lindsay and Blainley.

" Ok everyone go to the livingroom Izzy is safe" said Erin

"yes finally Blainley or Lindsay will die" said Jordan

So everyone went to the livingroom and voted.

" I will now read the votes Blainley,Blainley, Blainley, Jordan, Jordan, Lindsay, Blainley which means Blainley you will now die" said Erin sadly

The claw came down and garbbed Blainley and her and Lindsay cried.

Blainley was in the room tied to a chair when Erin threw an ax and it nailed her in the head.

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