The 6 remaining people were Lindsay, Izzy, Angela, Jared, Jordan and Eric only Izzy, Angela and Lindsay have one a competition. The six of them were split into to groups with Lindsat and Izzy on the out skirts.
" So who should we get rid of next" asked Eric
" Lindsay defenetly Lindsay" said Jordan
" Ya shes so stupid and is getting on my nerves" said Angela
" Well i think it should be Izzy I dont feel safe with her around me" added Eric
"Well at least shes not a complet ding dong" said Angela
" True but we can never be to safe and I want Izzy gone" said Jared
Just then Lindsay came out doing her nails with a nail file. She sat on the couch and began to talk with them.
" Hey guys whats up im like totally pumped and where is everyone, I miss Blainley" said Lindsay
" Are you that stupid" said Angela
At that moment Erin came on the anoumcement and told them that the next challange was a partner challange.
" You will be in partners and one of the partners will have to serch the house for a makeup bag and bring ot back to the other. When you recive the bag from ypur partner you will then have to desighn the head infront of you. You have 1 hour to do this challange it will start when I blow the whistle." explained Erin
So the remaining six got into partners it was Angela and Jordan, Jared and Eric and Lindsay and Izzy. Angela was designing for her team and Lindsay and Jared for there teams which ment Jordan Eric and Izzy were serching. Just then Erin blew the whistle and the competition began. They serched pretty much everywhere but could not seem to find them. But then Jordan managed to find one in the bathroom and she ran to Angela. She got to Angela and she had 45 minutes to desighn her head.
" were gana win losers" declared Angela
"Yes i found it" said Eric
Eric rushed back to Jared and handed him the makeup bag with 20 minutes left. After a little while Izzy came running from the hall and handed Lindsay the makeup bag with only 5 minutes to desighn. Lindsay Jared and Angela were working hard on the head when Erin anounced that time was up. Everyone stopped and backed up.
" Ok this competition will be in points out of 50. 20 of those points will be awarded to Angela and Jordan for finding the bag first 15 for Jared and Eric and 10 for Izzy and Lindsay So with 28/50 Eric anf Jared you get last and with 45/50 Congradulations Izzy and designer Lindsay" Anounced Erin happily
" Izzy rules" Said Izzy
" Thats desighner Lindsay her hottness" said Lindsay
"Ok everyone to the living room its time to descide the final five" said Erin.
Lucky #13
Korku13 strangers are kidnapped by a sadistic killer and must compete in challanges in order to stay safe. Each day one person is killed and the survivors must do another challange. The last one standing will recieve 5 million dollars. LET THE GAMES BEGI...