Lets Party

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Gloria slumped into the passenger side of Ryan’s, her boyfriend, car and slammed the door shut.  She looked out the window, thinking while she waited for Ryan to finish talking to his friends.  She was looking over to the courtyard when she saw Noel.  He was strutting over to a black motorbike.  He put on his sunglasses hopped on and sped out of the parking lot, not even bothering to put on a helmet.  As she watched him fade into the distance she thought about what had happened earlier today.  She remembered how when Ryan had come up and kissed her Noel had almost cringed and practically ran away. 

She thought about how she had seemed so drawn to him and how when Ryan had kissed her all she had thought about was how Noels lips would feel against hers, for real, not just in a dream.  She immediately threw the thoughts away.  Ryan was her boyfriend.  He was the one she wanted to kiss; he was the one who she was supposed to love.  She was disturbed by this thought.  One she had just said she was supposed to love.  And was that thought implying that she loved Noel?  Because that was ridiculous! She had only known him for a day! But she still couldn’t deny the connection she felt to Noel.  It was so weird how she felt that he was her other half.  They were so opposite, yet fit together perfectly.  The thought of kissing Noel swam back into her mind.  She couldn’t help but think about what their lips would feel like together.  How perfectly they would fit.

The car door next to her opened and her thoughts were shattered.  Ryan sat down next to her and looked over at her.  How could she ever be thinking of another guy?  Ryan was what she had always wanted!  He was a good student, super athletic (he played soccer, football, and basketball), and he was so handsome.  He was overall a great guy; he had never treated Gloria badly.  She was so lucky to have him.  She reached over and grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.  When she let go she looked into his blue eyes and felt terrible.  All she could think about during that kiss was Noel.

“Are you ok Glo?” Ryan asked as he brushed of a piece of hair from her face.

“I'm fine.” She said pulling away.  He sighed and started the car.  Gloria looked out the window again.

“So Marc is having a party tonight.  You wanna go with me?  The party he had last year was sick.”  Ryan said tapping the wheel along with the bass that thumped out of the speakers.  Gloria looked at the radio and smacked the off button.  She burst into giggles and he cracked a smile and they both started laughing.  That song had been the song that, coincidently, had been playing at Marc’s last party.  This was the song that Gloria had given her v-card to Ryan during.  Gloria wasn’t proud to say she had done the deed for the first time at a party, but she was sure it had been with the right person. 

“Yeah I’ll go with you.”  Gloria said after they stopped laughing.  As they pulled into her driveway Ryan grabbed Gloria’s hand.  He had an almost scared look on his face.  He started to say something but stopped and looked into her eyes.

“Glo, I know where I'm going to college next year,”  Ryan said diverting his eyes from her.  Gloria sucked into a breath.  This was something she did NOT want to think about.  Because Ryan was a year older next year he would be in college while she was still in high school.  She wanted him to go somewhere close so they wouldn’t have to go long distance.  But he had been offered a huge scholarship to UCLA for soccer.  UCLA was defiantly long distance. “And I've decided to go to UCLA.” He finished.  Gloria let her lungs collapse as she released the breath she had been holding.  She felt her eyes start to burn, the feeling she always got before she was going to cry.  Her emotions just went crazy all of the sudden.  The burning suddenly felt excruciating and she felt like she was going to explode.  She couldn’t breathe in this car! She grouped the door for the handle, when she finally got it open she practically fell out onto the ground.  As she lay there she opened her eyes but immediately snapped them closed again.  It was like someone had made the sun a flashlight right up next to her eyes.  She laying there gasping.  Ryan was suddenly there holding onto her asking her if she was ok. 

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