Chapter 1

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ALRIGHTY GUYS! :D I'm backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! This is a bit different than my last two stories. This is mainly dealing with the kids and how they grow up with famous dad's etc... so hopefully I didn't fuck this up too bad! :)

Reviews would always be appreciated! Love ya! :) xx

I come quietly, silent entities

Can lock us up and wait when unseen

Do they speak of me

?My voice left with the breeze that whispered

"You should flee or you shall be seen"

I die, if you only met my eyes before you pass by

Will you pause to break my heart?I die, if you only met my eyes before you pass by

Will you pause to break my heart?

I am everywhere, everywhere but here

For here is where you grace the nameless

Were I not so weak, could I even speak?

I warn that you should leave

Before you're seen with me

I die, if you only met my eyes before you pass by

Will you pause to break my heart?

I die, if you only met my eyes before you pass by

Will you pause to break my heart?

Will you pause to break my heart? Will you pause?

I am everywhere, everywhere but here

I am everywhere, everywhere but here

I die, if you only met my eyes before you pass by

Will you pause to break my heart?I die, if you only met my eyes before you pass by

Will you pause?

I die, if you only met my eyes before you pass by

Will you pause to break my heart?

Will you pause to break my heart? Will you pause?

I walked down the halls of my school, blasting my ipod and not giving a fuck if people were talking about me behind my back or staring. I was used to it. You see, having a famous dad isn't always fun and games. Famous people have crazy fans, haters, and of course the paparazzi. Being the oldest daughter to Nathan Sykes, AKA 1/5 of the legendary band "The Wanted", I got a front row seat to what my father's fame attracted. Mainly this included fake friends, strangers occasionally asking me things about my dad, reading stories in magazines, and people sending me hate for no reason at all. Like I said though, I was used to it.

I walked into the cafeteria to enjoy my lunch hour in relative silence. I pulled out a soda and a meatless sub sandwich.

"Didn't know it was meatless Monday, Rey." A familiar voice said.

I rolled my eyes at my brother's smart-ass comment and flipped him off.

"Whoa careful miss tree hugger. Thought you were all about peace, love, and all that shit." He continued joking.

"Charlie, I'm a vegetarian not a fucking tree hugger." I snapped playfully.

"Alright, no need to bite his head off. I need him alive for our camping trip next weekend." One of my best friend's Alexander said, flashing a half smile.

I blushed a tad and lowered my head to focus on my food. No, I didn't have a crush on Alex but I'd be lying if I didn't say he was an attractive son of a bitch.

I was snapped back to reality when the rest of our "gang" appeared. Mr. blonde hair, blue eyes, and perfect hair, AKA Declan McGuiness, appeared along with my brother's girlfriend, Rein. Rein sat beside Charlie and me while Declan sat with Alex.

We all sat around the cafeteria table, laughing and joking. To everyone who saw us, we were all just really close friends but to us we're so much more than that. We're a family. Our dads, though not biologically related, are brothers so technically we're as close to cousins as non-related people can get. I really felt I belonged with them. They made me feel normal.

Max's POV

We'd just touched down somewhere in South America, I think. To be honest jet lag was kicking me arse. I looked over at Jay. He was on the phone with his wife. Poor lass, she must be so tired from staying up late just to talk to him. Nath and Seev were huddled over their phones, texting their wives I presume. Man, where has the time gone? Siva, Jay, and Nath are all married. Nath's got three children with China, two of them almost adults, and the other is in a special school to hopefully get a scholarship to university. Seev's got a beautiful and talented daughter as well, and has another lil one on the way! Jay's kids are extremely talented too. Seeing them grow up makes me so proud to be in their lives. Tom still hasn't proposed to Kels yet, but he's admitted to me and the rest of the boys he wants to do it as soon as we get back from touring. His kids will be so happy to see them finally exchange vows.

I grabbed my bag and made my way to the limo that took us to our hotel. I took my phone out, updating my Twitter and responding to a few fans before sending a sneaky text.

"Hay sweetheart, hope you're okay. Miss you loads. Skype date soon? X" The message read.

I smiled to myself and placed my phone back in my bag, closing my eyes for a cat nap...

Alexander's POV

I slumped down in my chair, not really paying attention to the teacher. I was watching her. She didn't smile much, and didn't seem to like attention being brought to herself. She seemed...shy. Which I guess I can understand. Dad always said Uncle Nath was the shyest one out of the group. Guess she inherited it from him. Still, I-I think I really like her. I've talked to mom about it, but nah Reagan wouldn't be interested. I'm like her fucking brother. It'd freak her out, plus Charlie and I are really close. He'd not like me dating his sister...

Too Shy To Scream *Sequel to Love Like Winter*Where stories live. Discover now