Chapter 11

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Never wanted to feel

Never wanted you to steal my heart

Never wanted you to know 

Never wanted to show I'm weak

I'm falling all over myself

Trying to be someone else

I wish you would dare to walk me home

So I wouldn't have to feel alone

Always wanted to be 

Always wanted you to see my heart

Always wanted your love

Always wanted but never was

I"m falling all over myself

Trying to be someone else

I wish you would dare to walk me home

So I wouldn't have to feel alone

I'm falling all over myself

Dying to be someone else

I wish you would dare to walk me home

I don't wanna fight the world alone

Told you before

I've never loved you more

I'm falling all over myself

Trying to be someone else

I wish you would dare to walk me home

So I wouldn't have to feel alone

I'm falling all over myself

Dying to be someone else

I wish you would dare to walk me home

I don't wanna fight this world alone

I don't wanna fight this world alone

I don't wanna fight this world alone

All alone

Alessa's POV

Having a broken ankle freaking sucks! Thankfully I'd been released from the hospital though. Charlie wasn't coming home till next week, and mom still had some minor injuries to deal with, but she was home. Reagan though…I'm not sure when she'd be able to come home. I was just thankful we all made it out alive.

I fumbled with my crutches and made my way out of my room. I heard the doorbell ring and dad stumbled from his bed on the couch to answer it. From the low greetings, I figured it was one of my uncles.

And sure enough, I was right.

"Jay, Dec, what're you doing here?"

"Nath, we need to talk." Jay said.

Uncle Jay, and Declan followed dad inside to the living room. What on earth was he doing out of school?

"Jay, what's up? Why's Dec with ya?"

Jay sighed heavily and ran a hand through his hair.

"Dec, needs some advice. Seems he's gotten a girl he's been seeing knocked up. Figured you'd be more apt to giving advice, since you were a young' in when you had the twins."

I was a bit shocked, but kept quiet. Dec told his dad?

"Well, the best thing is to be there for her, whoever the girl is. Being pregnant is scary enough, let alone not having any support system."

"But what if I'm not ready for a kid?"

"Best get ready then. I didn't feel ready when I turned twenty and had two kids on the way."

It was quiet for a while. "You wanna tell Nath who the girl is?" Jay asked.

Declan sighed and placed his head in his hands. "It's…It's Carrie…" He muttered.

Reagan's POV

The fog seemed drugging. I just wanted to lay down and never get up again. It'd be so much easier.

Rey, I need you…

I jumped at the voice. It always scared me, but in a sense it comforted me. I wasn't alone.

I need you to keep fighting…Don't give up…Please…

I continued this slow drudging pace, hearing that voice in my head. I had to keep fighting. From what I could remember, I'd been in some sort of accident before waking up here. Other than that, I couldn't remember anything. If I tried, my brain felt like an inferno. I wanted mom, I wanted dad. I just want out of here!

Carrie's POV

As soon as I got back from school and dance practice, I crashed on my bed. Who knew carrying a baby would put this much stress on me?!

I was woken up by someone's hands shaking me.

"Mm wha—?" I muttered, trying to fall back asleep.

"Darlin' ya need ta wake up. Come on, get up." Dad continued, trying to wake me up.

After another three or four attempts, he finally aroused me.

"Love come on, we've got to go to the hospital. Yer ma's in labor."

That statement definitely woke me up.

Once we got to the hospital, a few nurses took mum to the birthing ward while I was left in the waiting room. Great.

Time passed, and I started feeling weird. My stomach wasn't exactly upset, but I didn't feel comfortable at all. It was like something was moving! Immediately I ran to the nurse's station.

"Can I help ya?" A plump blonde asked.

I found myself stuttering and slightly embarrassed.

"I—I'm pregnant. And erm, I uh,"

"You're worried and have questions?" She asked, smiling.

I nodded, flustered.

"Right this way, and I'll get you some pamphlets on being a mother, and what to expect. Might I also suggest prenatal care?"

"What would I need to do then?" I started feeling overwhelmed.

"Well, we'll make sure the baby is developing properly, etc. But you'll need to make an appointment for that."

I nodded, taking all this new info in.

"Have you and your partner decided what to do with the fetus?"

I bit my lip. "We're not really sure. We're both young, and have futures ahead of us. Kids just doesn't seem like the right thing right now."

"Well, you can always put it up for adoption once it's born."

"Yeah I know, I'm just so confused…about everything." I admitted. "I haven't even told my parents yet."

She gave me a sympathetic look as she explained the information she was giving me.

After spending the better half of an hour of talking to the nurse, I went back to the waiting room. I stuffed the information packets in my purse just as dad texted my phone.

"Love, your little sister's here! Eliza Kaneswaran xx"

I smiled at the picture of my beautiful baby sister. I couldn't wait to go back and hold her.

Too Shy To Scream *Sequel to Love Like Winter*Where stories live. Discover now