Chapter 6

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Seen the change watching it fade

Holding my breath feeling it fail

Working hard wondering why

Can't fix it now so why even try

We've run out of time

It's over I'm over this life, I'm running dry

I'm out of here out of your life

It's a good day for resurrection

It's a good time to break the connection

To the heart that I've been neglecting

It's a good day for love for love to die

Not easy to say harder to do

But that's no kinda life, so I'll leave it to you

Working it hard wondering why

Can't fix it now so why even try

We've run out of time

It's over I'm over this life, I'm running dry

I'm out of here out of your life

It's a good day for resurrection

It's a good time to break the connection

To the heart that I've been neglecting

It's a good day for love for love to die

There's not a chance, there's not a prayer

Can't pull a miracle out of the air

So now I'm leaving letting it lie, letting it die

We've run out of time

It's over I'm over this life, I'm running dry

I'm out of here out of your life

It's a good day for resurrection

It's a good time to break the connection

To the heart that I've been neglecting

It's a good day for love for love to die

For love to die, for love to die

For love to die, for love to die

It's a good day for love for love to die, for love to die

***Time Lapse: Three Weeks***

Declan's POV

"Mr. McGuiness, that's the third time this week you've fallen asleep during class. One more time and I'm making a call to the principal about having you expelled." My teacher snapped, causing me to wake up.

A few people snickered behind my back. It wasn't the worst of my concerns though. My biggest worry was Carrie…Was she doing okay? Did her mom and dad find out about her being pregnant? Did she get an abortion? I hadn't talked to her since our big fight a few weeks ago and it was killing me. I wanted to see her, but since she went to that stupid private school across town I didn't get a chance. I'd had time to come to terms with being a dad. Maybe I was young and inexperienced, but that child hadn't made the mistake she and I did. It deserved at least a chance at life right? If nothing else, once it was born we could give it up for adoption. These thoughts coursed through my mind as the teacher droned on about the importance of the Pythagorean Theorem.

Once school let out, I walked to my house and dropped my things off before leaving for Carrie's. She usually was already home by the time I got to her place unless she had dance lessons.

When I got to her place, I walked up the stairs to the back balcony and tapped on her window. After a few minutes Carrie appeared, looking exactly like her mum; so beautiful.

"The hell d'ya want McGuiness?" She said grumpily.

I stuttered for a moment before I found the right words. "I just wanted to check on you…"

"I'm fine, Dec. Now if you'll excuse me, I—."

Before she could even finish her sentence she bolted away from me.


She didn't answer me nor object to me being in her house so I followed her…to the bathroom.

I sat down on the floor with her as she threw up. I wasn't entirely sure what to do, but I remembered when mom was pregnant with Emilie dad would always hold her hair out of her face. I casually swept her long, dark hair to one side and held it in a ponytail fashion. With my free hand I stroked her arm and tried to think of some encouraging words to say. Needless to say, I failed.

After Carrie had mostly finished emptying her stomach I noticed she was dry-heaving…and crying.

It broke my heart seeing her like this, sick and upset so I did what I thought would be best and wrapped my hands around her, rocking her back and forth as I hummed a tune that had been stuck in my head. It seemed to calm her down some.

"Declan why are you here?" Carrie voiced in a hoarse whisper.

I helped her back to her bedroom and made she was settled before explaining.

"Well, I, uh, was just, uh, wanting to, uh apologize for the way I acted a few weeks ago." I stuttered. Would she be able to forgive me?

Max's POV

In the weekly mailer we send out to our fans, the boys told them I was heading off to the US for a few days to hang out with some friends. This wasn't entirely a lie but I wasn't just heading to the US to visit friends. Mainly, I wasn't to spend some quality time with my girlfriend. Ever since China introduced me to her friend Audrey I got to know the girl and well, I think I'm in love. I was staying with her for about a week in Virginia, then flying to New York for two days to join the boys on the rest of the tour.

I heard my flight number be called, so I grabbed my bags and boarded the plane. Once I found my seat I took out my ipod and began listening to some music to pass the time.

"Hay love I'm on my way now see you soon xx" I texted Audrey before shutting my phone off and closing my eyes as the plane took off down the runway.

Too Shy To Scream *Sequel to Love Like Winter*Where stories live. Discover now