Big bruises and a rowdy game of Basketball

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Lucy's P.O.V

*Bell rings*

Oh my gosh finally it's lunch time I'm so hungry. We just had a math test and throughout the whole thing my stomach was growling, it was so embarrassing...

As I walk into the cafeteria I look around the room to try and spot my best friend Ashley. We have been best friends since prep. Ashley is nothing like me, she has long blonde beautiful hair with stunning blue eyes and she's quite tall and all the boys love her and then there is me. Short brown hair with black glasses and I'm only 5'3.

finally I see Ashley already be chatted up by some of the guys, I make my way over to her and tap on her shoulder. "Hey Ash" I say with a big grin on my face. "Hey Lucy, I missed you In English this morning where were you?" she asks with a bit of concern on her face. "oh yeah nah mum just woke me up late and then there was traffic and then running to one end of the school to the other and crashing into some new guy and my books went flying!" I say all so quickly that Ashley barely understood a word I said.

"okayyyy....omg yeah the new guy! how cute is he! his smile!" she screams out making half the people turn and stare, "haha, yeah his pretty cute seems shy though."
After lunch was gym class. seriously not my thing, as I get changed into my gym clothes I walk straight into class where I see my teacher checking everyone's names off, the "cool" guys lifting weight trying to see who can lift the heaviest started from 5kilos and working there way up.

I then spot a guy off to the side, sitting on the stairs by himself waiting for the teacher to start the class. I felt bad for him so I slowly started making my way up to him and sat next to whoever it might be.

"hey, what are you doing here by yourself?" I ask sweetly, and that's when he turns around and I realise who it is. "Aiden!"

"umm....don't really feel like it" he says very slowly and quietly, "are you okay?", "uh..yeah
I'll be right...go hang out with your friends probably better than sitting with me..." finally he turns his head around completely so I have a view of his whole head and that's when I realise he has a big bruise on his face right under his eye.

"oh my gosh! what happened? are you okay? who did this?" instantly I felt sad and also very angry to whoever did this to him.
"I'm fine just go find your friends.." he says avoiding the questions.

I walk off and just decide to leave him alone. obviously, he doesn't want to talk about it so I won't make him. I mean he has meet me once why would he spill everything out to me?

I just hope his alright.

As our teacher blows the whistle we all gather around and he tells us we are going to be playing basket ball "We will all split into two teams" As there is only 10 people in my gym class the teams will be even he makes me and one of the guys named David Captains for each team. "you choose first" I hear David say to me.

"Jacob!" I call and he rushes to my side. "Jennifer" David shouts. we continue to do this until there is only three people left. "Aiden" I say giving him a sweet smile. "pfft him! really? ohh I see what your doing...when you lose you have someone to blame it all on, good strategy!" David says beaming. I look over at Aiden who has his jaw clenched and his hands balled into a fist with his head facing down.

The game has been going for about 5 minutes a and scores are already level 4-4.
I have to say Aiden is really good! I don't know why David was so rude to him though?

Aiden goes for a shot and misses as David screams out beside him "dude get off the court you suck! your just letting your team down" throughout this whole game David has been bad mouthing him and I think Aiden is over it.

Aiden turns around and throughs a punch into the side of his ribs. All the guys run around them screaming "fight! fight! fight!" continually all the girls back off. Then Mr Smith our sport teacher comes in between and them and breaks them up. "both of you Principles office." As they both just stand there and look at one another Aidens face worse then before and Davids nose gushing with blood, they begin to walk off.

Was is David who hurt Aiden before gym? There seems to be something a lot more going on then just a rowdy game of Basketball.

*Bell rings

Finally the end of the day.

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