The Mistake

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      I made some new friends I have friends now and they are taking me to a party tonight it will be so fun and cool I can finally not be sad I can smile and laugh so much and not want to cry.
                       *At The Party*

       Wow this party is so cool I have no words it will be so fun to party and drink and laugh.
           I feel like life is so perfect right now and I see this cute boy that keeps just looking at me he asked if I had a boyfriend I said no.

       We went to his house we were just kisses then I'm pretty sure what happen next what rape I did not even know anything anymore life is just so like confusing but I'm pregnant with a baby and I have an angel in my stomach.

          It might be a rape baby but it's a person to that deserves a life I'm not killing the baby for him ,he might not love it and wants to kill it but I rather split my wrist than let someone hurt my baby because life is more important than anything.

       The father of my child does not want it to live he has tried to kill it so much but I'm rather kill him than let him take my baby's life away from it I rather have the baby and jump off a cliff and leave the baby with my mother.
                         *nine months later at the hospital *

         My baby is born it's a boy the father ran away from life I was so worried but now I have someone to love but it might have been a mistake on my life he kicked me down the steps once but my baby is here and that was my goal to keep him alive I thought he would kill it but he didn't no matter what.
                *at home with my new husband as Kenny is at school *
                                                             He sees that I'm pregnant again but he was drunk so he got mad and kicked my stomach blood start to drip down and all I can do is cry then he takes his gun and puts a bullet in my stomach I feel like life just died all I can do is cry then I call an ambulance.

I wake up and hear that my baby is dead I want to die right now Kenny is next to my bed in the chair sleep I would wake him up to hug him but my husband comes in the room saying I sorry like I care I yell at him and he was out the room.
                 *two weeks later *

        Kenny only has me I'm done with men I thought kids were my mistake but there not it's life that kills them and hurts them, Kenny is kinda sad asking were is daddy but I can't answer that with the right words and hurt him but okay look he is gone he killed your brother are sister Kenny starts to cry I hug him.

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