the beginning

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After I stared cutting I have lost a lot of friends but like what do I know I have no mom anymore I have nothing but so what I will just live out my stupid life that I have now its what I got left my life its been two years now but I've tried to be happy.

Later on I have to go see my doctor fro my depression but if he tries to check my arms I tell him I have to use the restroom then i go out the window but now I have been skipping my doctor I might just run away from my problems that I've been trying for so long its just everything and everyone I can't run away from so I need to stop wasting time and just go.

*2 years later* no one wants to adopt me so I'm 16 now I'm really smart so I skip a lot of grades but you know I don't see the point in anything anymore I have no point to even try at anything I've been failing because my depression its hard to get my work done,the whole school hates me and I did nothing I walk in class and someone says "ugh your still alive go jump off the roof whore"

I miss to much school I don't think I can keep wanting my life but I'm trying to stay strong for Ken even though he is dead I still live by his words "stay strong stay alive no matter what you face girl look at the world like your the queen of it" I miss him so much but that's what I tell people when they tell me to die.

It been two years since I last cut but I know Ken is watching me from above so that's why I kinda won't cut people don't ask me about my arms they just call me stupid and even more names but I don't wanna cry I might just cry myself to sleep I got a busy day tomorrow but I really don't wanna do anything.

I was walking home from Ken's grave when all of a sudden some creeps wanna try and be like perverts they asked me sexual questions one said take your bra off and give it to me I did not know what to do but run but if I was to run home they would know were I live like me old friend Jill she ran home and they broke into her house and took her away.

I just hate people like that but then again I have to go to school were I see people that hate my guts,want to kill me,want me to die I just can't take thinking of that stuff it makes me sick and I just hate having to sit in a class were no one likes me

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