4. Where is she

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They went to Jaewon's condo and took care of his wounds and bruises. Jaewon was still smiling and They noticed him. 'What the fuck is wrong with him?' Gray said and look at Simon. Jaewon went to his bedroom and lay down.

Jaewon felt so happy but suddenly he remembered that he forgot to get the girl's number. While Gray and Simon were resting at the sofa, Jaewon was running fast to go at the club to get girl's number.

Jaewon was searching her everywhere at the club and but didn't saw her. Jaewon felt disappointed and sad. He left at the club with a frowning face.

While Jaewon was walking to his condo,
"Why im so unlucky when it comes to love?" Jaewon said sadly.

Jaewon went to his bed and lay down with his tired body. He felt sad and can't stop thinking about it. Suddenly, His phone vibrates and rang loudly.

Jaewon picked up the call.


"Aye! It's Jay park hyung!"

"Oh! Hi hyung"

Jay park felt that Jaewon sound unhappy.

"Are you okay?"



"I need to find that girl ughhhh!"

"Come on, Just find another one!"

"I guess so but i think i cant"

"Dont say that! Come here at my condo, It's my birthday do you remember?"

"Omo! Sorry! I'll go there now!"

"Okay I'll wait you! Bye!"

Jaewon went to take a bath and wear new clothes to go to Jay Park's condominium.

While Jaewon was riding his car, He thought about buying a gift for Jay Park.
"What the hell does he like?""UGH!" He said. Jaewon went at the nike outlet store to buy him a watch. He went to buy a watch for hyung (Jaypark). "Can I have black of this?"

"Sure sir."

"I hope he like this one."

Jaewon went to Jaypark's condo with a happy face. He went at the 23th floor.

Finally he arrived at the front of his door.


*Jaypark open the door*

"Aye! Youre a bit late! Come on!"

"Happy birthday hyung!"

(Hugs him and handed the gift)

"Thanks bro!"

(Jaewon walks in cooly)

"You sit there"

*jay park points at the couch where gray and ssam d was seating with other girls*

"Why are you here?" Ssam d says.

"Why do you care?"

"Just kidding hahahaha!" Ssam d says laughing out loud with gray.

Jaewon sit and drink vodkas laying at the table.

While he is drinking, He saw the girl at the bar before that he's been searching or looking for. "WHAT THE" Jaewon said loudly and all the people stared at him.

"Sorry hehe" He apologizes loudly.

"What do you saw?" Gray said.

"Is it a ghost? Hahahahaha" Ssam d said.

"Shut up! I think I saw her again!" Jaewon said excitedly and smiling so happy.

(Jaewon follow her until the girl went at the kitchen of Jay park and drinks quietly)

"Hi" Jaewon said. "Hi" Girl says. "Omg she's so pretty i want her" Jaewon thought smiling. "Can I get you number?" "Sorry but I dont know you?" Girl said and walks away. "Aye wait!" Jaewon shouts.

"Please stop the girl who wears black ripped pants and shirt!" Jaewon shoouted loudly and all the people stared at him again.

The girl stopped walking and went closely to Jaewon and said "Why did you do that? You bastard!" The girl says and punch his face.

"Im sorry" Jaewon said. "Can we talk outside?" "Sure lets go"

(They went outside)

"Can I know your name?"

"No, apologize first."

"Why? I already said sorry to you there?"

"No thats not enough"


Jaewon apologizes sincerely.

"Ok. Im Jennie."

"Hi Im Jaewon but you can call me one"

(A group of boys and girls who wears black stopped beside them)

"Sorry, I need to go. Bye"


"Bye I need to go"

(Jennie walks with them and high fives with them)

"Uh oh."

Jaewon walks inside and went to Jaypark's. He sat at the couch and get his phone, and search her on facebook.

"Omg" Jaewon said loudly and caught again the attention of the people. "Im sorry" Jaewon saw Jennie's pic wearing all black. "Wow! She's dope! I really like her!" He likes black and a girl who is boyish.

Jaewon sent her a friend request.

After a couple of minutes, Jaewon was still awake, smiling and staring at the ceiling. Meanwhile, The people was sleeping and laying on the floor. But also Gray was awake and ask him to go to his condo and sleep for a night.

"Lets go" Jaewon said.

Author's note: I hope you like my story, sorry for publishing it late. Hope you appreciate. Thanks for reading!😘

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2016 ⏰

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