Almost Exposed

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Almost Exposed.

      I was walking around the school hallways so I don't have to be in class because I know most of the stuff the teacher is teaching it's just boring to be in there with nothing to do.

       I am an advanced student along with my friends and so is Zach sadly enough, he just so happens to be smart, but he is a jackass.

         Someone came behind me and pushed me, I fell to the ground, gosh what is it with people and pushing me to the floor I never do anything to them maybe just out smart them in everything they do but that is about it I never gave them a reason to hate me.

          "Oi watch where you're going? because I just about cracked my head opened and I don't want to be in the hospital again" I snapped at whoever pushed me.

      "Oh what are you going to do if I don't do as you say Lillian? out smart me again in class" the guy said behind me.

        I turned around and saw that it was Zach behind me, I guess the teacher let him out of class even though I am in the same class as him, I guess he scared him to just let him out of class, I mean Zach knows most of this stuff and don't get me wrong I kind of like him but I have to hate him because he is the rival of the gang and my bully.

        "You sound like someone I know outside of school why is that Lillian" he said.

         "I-I-I don't know what you are talking about Z-Z-Zach" I stuttered to him.

        "I believe you do know what I am talking about Lillian because clearly you know how to stand up for yourself but now you just lose the confidence to do it, just like that" he said confused.

       God he is an idiot I mean you just can't put two people together and just guess that I am Lil and Lillian, like seriously it's not that hard to figure out. Plus with my brothers and sister were with me and my friends last night.

         "Seriously Zach w-w-why would I stand up for myself to y-y-you, because you could put me in the hospital for months and I couldn't do a thing about it" I said, knowingly that I could just show him that he can't put me in there.

         "Maybe I will just show you who your dealing with Lillian because I don't think I want a know-it-all to share a class with" he said, going to hit me.

         "Zach? Lillian? What is going on here? I think it is best both of you head back to class don't you Lillian?" Mr. Smith asked.

          "Mr. Smith I was just about to head to class and there is no problem M-M-Mr. Smith" I said and stuttered, I hate it when I stutter.

         "You okay Lillian I mean you can go home if your not feeling well" Mr. Smith said to me, "Zach go to class."

         I snickered at him, I walked to class I can't afford to miss another day of school and I will not be spending that time in the hospital.

          "Lillian please don't be late for class again because this will be the last time that you are allowed to be late otherwise you will get detention" said my physic's teacher, Mrs. Daniels.

            "I'm sorry I am late I had a little run in with umm.... Z-Z-Zach and Mr. Smith" I said looking down.

           "That's alright but don't let it happen again" she said softly, she understands me because I told her about the bullying, so she expects me to be late.

         Where were you? Cassie mouthed to me.

        Run in with Zach and Mr. Smith tell you the rest later meet me in the library with the gang at lunch I mouthed back. She nodded in understanding because we can't have everyone knowing about things like the drug trade tomorrow and the guy who is the dealer for us is coming the day after tomorrow and hopefully on time otherwise Zach will try and intercept it.

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