Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It was the afternoon. School had just ended and best friends Helga and Phoebe were walking down the street towards home.

"...and that's what 'Deus ex machina' means," concluded Phoebe.

"Uh-huh," replied Helga, who didn't seem all that interested. Phoebe detected this, and decided to change the subject.

"So, what's next on the agenda?" she asked. "Throwing rocks at city property, if I'm not mistaken."

"Huh?" Helga had been looking upwards, obviously not paying attention.

"Helga, are you listening?"

"Yeah, yeah – I heard you," she lied. "Actually, Phoebes, I just remembered...I have an orthodontist appointment at 4:00. I'll catch you later, ok?"

"Oh...ok" said Phoebe, but Helga had already turned and run off in the opposite direction. When Phoebe continued to walk home, she failed to see her friend sneak into a nearby alley. Seconds later, Helga was actually leaping overhead from one building to the next, in her transformed disguise.

A few days later, Phoebe decided to call Helga on the phone. She dialed her cell number, and was pleased when Helga had answered.

"Yeah?" said an anxious Helga on the other end.

"Hello, Helga. It's me, Phoebe. I was wondering if you'd like to come over and know...hang out...?"

"Oh much as I'd love to, I'm kinda busy at the moment...maybe some other time?"

Unbeknownst to Phoebe, Helga was actually surrounded by several shadow-figures. She was on the defensive and struggling to hang on when she had received the call.

"But, Helga..." pleaded Phoebe.

Helga jabbed a shadow in the face with her elbow. "Sorry, hands are tied..."

She hung up. Phoebe sat on her bed despondently, the ring tone a bitter sound of rejection in her ears.


It was Friday. Class would be over soon, and Mr. Simmons used the opportunity to make an announcement.

"Everyone!" he said. "Don't forget that your book reports are due on Monday!"

"Monday?" cried Harold, slapping his hand on his forehead. "Oh, man – I completely forgot about the book report!"

"Calm down, Harold," reassured Stinky in his Southern drawl. "Me an' Sid are goin' to the library tomorrow morning. You can come with us."

Harold groaned. "The library? Aw, I hate the library!" He slammed his head hard on his desk. "OW! Now my head hurts!!"

"It's gonna be a looong weekend," sighed Sid.

While the other students were packing up and preparing to leave, Phoebe approached Helga's desk. She slapped her hand loudly on the desk top, yet had a pleasant smile on her face.

"Uh, hey, Phoebe..." said Helga, uneasily.

"I have an idea," said the bespectacled girl. "What say you and I go see Wrestlemania this Saturday? My treat."

Helga raised her eyebrow. "I thought you hated wrestling."

"Well...since you've been busy all this week, I figured what better way to catch up on lost time than by watching muscular men resolve their differences physically in a sweat-laden ring?"

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