Chapter 20

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Her feet felt as if she pranced on clouds, a constant state ever since Connor had stirred from his unconscious slumber a month ago. And since then, Evie had been a constant presence by him, ensuring that nothing would flare up again from his healing. She was an attentive girl, who paid even greater heed to injuries then Agatha did, a fact that did not go by unnoticed by the people of the clan. Soon, they came to ask her for advice. While Evie was discomforted by the act, she tried her best to help them. 

Of course, Old Agatha didn't find fault in it, for the old lady herself admitted that her eyesight was failing. To Evie's credit, she did need the elder's advice on certain appropriate herbs to use, but eventually Evie found herself quite comfortable in the Keep. Of course, there was the lingering reminder that she should've been home by now, but the redhead simply could not bring herself to return home, especially not when she had already admitted to Connor that she couldn't leave him.

The month spent by his side, she grew to learn more about the dark warrior in her life. He was a hard taskmaster, but Evie learned that he was harsh because he didn't want his men to die on the field. Protective and fiercely loyal, his dark gaze still brought chills to her each time their eyes met. And while one would've assumed it was an effect that would die out after awhile, that tingle still ran down her spine each time she lay eyes on him.

The day after Connor had enough strength to return to the Keep's halls however, Evie found it increasingly odd that she couldn't find him for the day. She had changed his herbs in the afternoon, after spending the morning collecting herbs. Connor had caught her fingers and pulled her in for a brief kiss before the maids bustled in with her requested warm water and cloth, leading her to hide her flush, pretending to be busy until they had retreated.

"Lass, I will seek  ye out tonight."

"To-tonight?" she stammered, surprised.

"Aye. This eve, before dinner. Wear ye best gown, would ye? Although, make sure tis easy to ride in."

"What are you planning Connor Gilroy?" Evie asked, pretending to be huffed as she cleaned his wound and replaced the herbs and bandages.

"Nae questions. Do ye trust me?" It was a whispered question, as he gripped her hand and pressed a kiss on her wrist. It was the most chaste of actions, but even that was enough to make Evie flush again. Really now, it was beginning to get embarrassing, how easily Connor could get her to react the way she did.

"Of-of course I do Connor. But can't you tell me at least what are you planning?"

"I promise, ye will like it."

He had left after that, leaving her confused up till now. The Keep bustled with a humming business that was uncommon, even to her. While she had not been here for long, Evie had gotten used to knowing how the Keep functioned. This was usually the hour they prepared for dinner time... but why was Mrs. O'Leary fussing over an unusually busy kitchen?

Just as she was wandering towards the area however, she found herself intercepted when an equally redheaded girl swooped by before she reached the entrance, eventually dragging Evie halfway up the stairs before she realized who it was. "Gilly! Where are you bringing me?"

"To ye room o'course! Ye needs to prepare!"

"Prepare for what? What exactly is going on Gillian?"

"No time to explain! They are waiting for us. Quickly!" 

Evie found herself quickly stripped by waiting maids in the room, and then ceremoniously dunked into a tub of water, being scrubbed and washed in every corner. Time passed in a blur, and the sun was beginning to set when she was laced up in a pale ivory dress. Flaring out from her waist below, the silken material was trimmed with lace around it's hem, a golden belt lying loosely just upon her hips. But it was the upper body which thoroughly stood out, the satin material hugging her body closely, a lace overlaying it above. The lace were the only material on her arms, tight up till her elbows, before they fanned out into loose bell-like sleeves which covered her the rest of the way. A square neckline made her collar bones stand out even more, accentuating a black-looking wheel-shaped pendant Gillian casted around her neck.

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