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Kuroo wrapped his arms around Kenma's waist, pulling him closer. The two were sitting in Kenma's living room.The smaller boy relaxed into his boyfriend's chest and continued playing his game. Kuroo peeked over Kenma's shoulder to see what game he was playing. Something with swords and little pixelated knights. 

Kuroo pressed his face into Kenma's hair and sighed. "Kenmaaaaaaaa...... Why are you ignoring meeeee????" He drew the words out for dramatic effect. 

Kenma shrugged and said quietly, "I want to beat this level - FUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKK!!!!!" 

Kuroo had seen Kenma lose his cool over a game before, but he still jumped. It was strange to see the mild-mannered little setter to scream and get angry. 

Kuroo nuzzled his face into the crook of Kenma's neck. He breathed in his scent; shampoo and cat. Kenma always loved cats and he had one at home. Kuroo loved that smell. He loved everything about his boyfriend, except for his obsession with gaming. 

"Kenma, if you aren't going to pay attention to me I'm gonna leave," Kuroo threatened.

"How do you know I didn't want you to leave the whole time? Maybe I just wanted to play in peace?" Kenma retorted. 

Kuroo raised an eyebrow, smiling the devilish smile that rubbed everyone the wrong way, "If you want to be alone so bad, we could always break up." 

Kenma chuckled, "You're bluffing."

"Don't be so sure, little kitten. If you want me to leave, then we break up. Maybe not forever, but until you stop ignoring me." Kuroo squeezed his arms tighter around Kenma before  leaning closer to  his ear. "How long will that be, Kenma? A day? A week? A lot can happen in a week and that Tsukishima kid looked promising-" 

Kenma's head whipped around and he looked Kuroo in the eyes with a quiet intensity, "Don't. You. Dare." 

Kuroo smiled, Kenma had taken the bait. "How about a test, hmm?"

Kenma wiggled out of Kuroo's arms and sat across from him, "A test?"

Kuroo nodded, "More of a challenge, really, but at least this way we have something interesting to do." 

Kenma looked wary, "What is it?"

Kuroo grinned again, "Here's the deal: you go three days without even touching your phone, and I'll buy that new game you were raving about for you. AND you can play it without me threatening to leave you."

Kenma's eyes lit up and his mouth dropped slightly, "Really-"

Kuroo held up a hand, "I'm not done yet. That was if you win. If I win, if you can't do it and play on your phone, then you have to do everything I say for 24 hours. And  you have to agree not to ignore me all the time." 

Kenma looked wary again, "Everything?"

Kuroo nodded, "Everything."

Kenma considered this for a few minutes. Kuroo sat patiently and watched him think. Finally Kenma nodded and said, "It's a deal." 

Kuroo grinned and held out a hand for Kenma to shake.  Kenma won't last a day, he thought. After checking the time, the two decided the three days would start at 12:00 am, two hours later. Kenma hunched up and played his game as quickly as he could until the timer beeped and Kuroo took it from him. 

Kenma looked at the phone sadly and Kuroo smiled his devilish smile, "Oh, and you'll have to stay at my place for the three days."

Kenma looked incredulous as he demanded, "And why is that?"

Kuroo raised his eyebrows and said, "Because you probably have more gaming devices here and I don't want you to cheat."

Kenma's face fell, he had obviously been planning to cheat with the other devices but Kuroo was on to him.  "I promise not to try anything, Kenma," Kuroo said.

Kenma nodded and left to pack a bag.  Kuroo chuckled to himself and looked at Kenma's phone, wondering what he saw in it. 

Finally Kenma came back to the living room and the two left for Kuroo's apartment.

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