Things Get Interesting

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Kuroo grinned his full on demon smile and Kenma gaped at him. 

"I'm gonna what now?" The setter demanded.

"You, kitten, are going to top this time." Kuroo said as he pulled the smaller boy to his feet. The spiker flipped into his bed and spread his arms wide. "Go on, kitty, nothing to worry about."

Kenma's eyes were so wide they looked like they might fall out of his head. He felt his hands shake and he gulped. Nervous or not, Kuroo was in command, and Kenma had to follow every order. The smaller boy crawled on top of Kuroo and used his arms to prop himself up. 

Blonde hair tickled Kuroo's nose and the spiker smirked up at his little kitten. "Just go for it."

Kenma by his lip nervously, "Do what though?"

Kuroo shrugged and leaned up closer to his kitten, "Whatever you want as long as it's with me, and no you cannot get out of this."

Kenma nodded, thinking. Finally he sat back on his boyfriend's abs, one leg on either side of Kuroo's hips. He slipped his hands under Kuroo's shirt and pushed the thin cloth up over the spiker's head. He got the material to wrap around Kuroo's wrists and pushed the spiker's hands above his head. "Leave those there." Kenma said quietly.

Kuroo nodded and felt a bit of blush burn on his cheeks. Kenma's slim fingers skimmed the skin of Kuroo's stomach, tracing his abs, his pecks, his ribs. After a minute of this,Kuroo got impatient and said, "Ahem..." 

Kenma looked down into Kuroo's face, back from his trance. Kenma had been avoiding his gaze ever since Kuroo said he'd have to top and the intensity in the smaller's cat like eyes surprised the spiker. Kenma's face suddenly changed and he started laughing. 

"What?" Kuroo asked, surprised. Kenma kept laughing, throwing his head back and grabbing his stomach. Kuroo wiggled underneath him, exclaiming again, "What!?"

Kenma wiped tears from his eyes and laughed once befor answering, "I just realized you went into Game Stop with 'Property of K' written on your forehead."

Kuroo's eyebrows knitted together for a moment before remembering his dare from earlier. He hadn't realized it was still there... No wonder the cashier looked at his so strangely...."Oh god its still there...." Groaned the spiker.

Kenma busted out laughing again and Kuroo couldn't help but join in. A minute passed before they both calmed down. 

"Now," Kuroo murmured. "Where were we?" 

Kenma smiled and ran his hands up the side of Kuroo's body before cupping his face. He pressed his soft lips to the spiker's and the kiss slowly evolved from there. Tongue, teeth, and lips danced between the two boys and it left the breathless. 

Kenma broke off and started kissing a line down Kuroo's neck like he had earlier. It ended near Kuroo's naval and Kenma felt something against his stomach. Realizing what it was, his face turned beet red and he scooted back to Kuroo's face, relocking their mouths.

Kenma wanted to avoid that part of this situation for as long as he could.  

Kuroo brought his arms up and slipped Kenma's head in between the cuffed limbs.  Kenma started to protest the unauthorized movement of Kuroo's arms, but the spiker quickly pulled the setter down on top of him and rolled over so that Kenma looked up at Kuroo.

Kenma felt relived, but also confused. "But I thought-"

Kuroo stopped him with a peck on the lips. "You didn't think I'd actually make you top did you? That would probably just end up hurting me anyway..."

Kenma sighed and smiled, "I did worry there for a bit."

Kuroo chuckled and pecked Kenma's lips again. "Ready for the real fun?"

Kenma shivered pleasantly and nodded.  Kuroo grinned and untangled his wrists. He yanked Kenma's shirt off and ran his hands across his boyfriend's chest. He kissed a long, slow line down Kenma's jaw and neck and ended on his left shoulder. By the end of the little show, Kenma had a mark on his neck, collar bone, and shoulder. 

Kenma purred and Kuroo pressed their lips together again. This kiss was hot, and wild, and passionate. It left them both feeling high and Kuroo raised an eyebrow, "Wanna do the do?"

Kenma snorted, "Yeah, okay."

(**author's note: I'm not a smut writer. Just imagine all of the hot and smexy sex happening right now. Btw Kenma moans the loudest.)

After the do had been done, Kenma was wearing Kuroo's old rock band shirt and some boxers. Kuroo was in the bathroom brushing his teeth.  When Kuroocame back to the bedroom, Kenma was sitting on the edge of the bed and glaring at their pile of clothes on the floor. 

Kuroo dropped a kiss on Kenma's head, "What's wrong kitten?"

Kenma turned his glare on Kuroo, "My ass hurts."

Kuroo nearly choked on air, "Oh.... I'm sorry...."

Kenma crossed his arms and huffed. Kuroo put a hand on his shoulder, but the setter shook him off. "Kenmaaaaaaaaa....." Kuroo whined, wrapping an arm around his kitten.

Kenma grumbled and reluctantly relaxed into Kuroo's arms. "You still have writing on your face," he said without looking up. 

Kuroo scowled, "Yeah. That's gonna be there tomorrow..."

Kenma smiled, "Bet you a dollar Lev mentions it at school tomorrow."

Kuroo grinned, "Bet you ten it's Yaku."


The two shook hands. Kenma yawned, "Kuroo I'm tired."

"I know kitten."

"Can I sleep in here with you tonight?"

"You know the answer to that.... Besides even if it was no you'd end up here anyway."


The boys yawned in unison and Kuroo flopped back onto the bed. Kenma crawled so tha he was laying on top of Kuroo, knowing he was light enough not to cause any discomfort. Kuroo tossed an arm across Kenma's back and pulled the blanket over them both. 

Withing minutes they were both asleep. 

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