Day 2

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When Kuroo woke up on the second day, Kenma was curled up beside him. He must have come in during the night, Kuroo thought. The rhythm of Kenma's breathing told Kuroo he was asleep still. The taller boy nuzzled his face into the smaller's hair and wrapped an arm around his waist. 

Kenma stirred and mumbled unintelligibly. Kuroo sighed and rolled away from the setter, sitting up on his side of the bed. Kenma blinked sleepily up at his boyfriend and smiled, "G'mornin' Kuroo." 

Kuroo stroked the other boy's blonde hair and said quielty, "Good morning, kitten." 

The two sleepily wandered into the kitchen and made themselves the wholesome breakfast of pop tarts and whipped cream before flopping on the couch. Kenma chewed a strawberry pop tart while Kuroo flicked through the channels. 

They decided to watch a Big Bang Theory marathon for the time being and that lasted until around 11:30am. Then Kenma was complaining about being bored and Kuroo was hungry again. The boys got a big plate of pizza rolls and decided they'd pass the time playing stupid games.

"Which one should we play first?" Kenma asked, biting into a pizza roll.

"Never have I ever?" Kuroo offered. Kenma scrunched his nose and shook his head. 

"Would you rather?" Kenma said.

Kuroo frowned and shook his head. "What about....oh I know! Fuck, Marry, Kill!"

Kenma narrowed his eyes but nodded. Kuroo popped a pizza bite in his mouth and thought for a moment before saying, "Fuck, Marry, Kill: Bokuto, Lev, and Yaku."

Kenma didn't even hesitate before replying, "Kill Lev," he paused to think before finishing, "Fuck Bokuto and marry Yaku."

Kuroo laughed, "Why?"

Kenma shrugged, "I'm not explaining my reasons for killing Lev, they're obvious. Yaku is kind of like team mom so I suppose he'd make a good housewife, and Bokuto seems like he'd be the most interesting in bed. Just saying."

Kuroo continued laughing until he was clutching his stomach and tears budded in his eyes. Kenma had joined in but not nearly as loudly. Kenma smiled and said, "Okay, okay. You're turn. Fuck, Marry, Kill: Hinata, Tsukishima, and Daichi." 

Kuroo tapped his chin with a pizza rollin mock consideration before answering, "Kill Hinata; too loud. Marry Daichi; seems responsible, like he could keep me in check. And Fuck Tskuishima; because he's the only one left and not too bad a guy." 

 Kenma narrowed his eyes at Kuroo's response for Tsukishima but seemed to get over it after eating another pizza roll. Ten rounds of FMK and thirty or so pizza rolls later, the boys decided they were over the FMK life. 

"What now?" Kenma asked.

"Truth or dare?" Kuroo asked.

Kenma furrowed his brow, "Are you asking if I want to play or which I choose?"

"Yes," Kuroo answered simply.

Kenma nodded, "I think I'll take a truth for now."

"Okay," Kuroo said. "Your truth is: do you feel threatened by Tsukishima?"

Kenma rolled his eyes, "I didn't until you threatened to go run off with him. Not a lot though. Doesn't he have that groupie who shadows him everywhere? Those two have got to be a thing." 

Kuroo laughed, "Good answer kitten."

Kenma nodded and replied, "Truth or dare?"


Kenma thought for a moment. "What do you like most about me?"

Kuroo narrowed his eyes slightly, "Physically? Or personality wise?"

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