I've been shot by the tagged arrow again!

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Hey guys! I've been tagged once again by the fabulous faithandchester!

Here are the rules:
1. Write the rules (done)
2.Tag 13 people
3. Answer all 13 questions and create another 13 for the next people
4. Create a unique title
5. You cannot refuse
6. 1 week deadline
7. Don't comment the answers
8. Must be in a book
9. Mention the person who tagged you

Now for the questions:
1. What is your favorite all time tv show?
This is a tricky one.... I'll have to say Under The Dome, even though they cancelled it.

2. If you were sucked into a video game, which video game would it be and how would you die?
I would have to say Super Mario Bros. and I would die trying to defeat Browser.

3. Favorite animal and why?
Owls are my favorite animal because they are so they are just so beautiful to look at.

4. Which 2 songs describe yourself?
Country in my soul by Florida Georgia line and The Dirt Whispered by Rise Against.

5. Anime or Manga?
I think I'll choose..... Anime.

6. Giant HD tv or huge comfy bed?
Of course the huge comfy bed!

7. Favorite fanfic?
A Different Beginning by TheRoseLibrarian. I loved reading that book!

8. If you were a tree, what tree would you be?
I would have to say a Palm tree because they are found near beaches and I love going to the beach!

9. What did you do today?
Rolled out of bed and wrote this.

10. A sack full of diamonds or a sack full of puppies?
A sack full of puppies because no matter what you do wrong, they will always love you back.

11. What is the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?
Idk. The only one I can think of is saying something weird to a guy I like.

12. Which ninja turtle do you relate most to?
Idk they are all so cool.

13. And finally, did you enjoy getting tagged and would you mind ever getting tagged again?
I did enjoy getting tagged and I most certainly do not mind getting tagged again.

My tags:
1. RebelYell861
2. Hipster_Owl
3. GabrielsTrouble
4. lukesang
5. sanglukevictor
6. academybrat
7. 11maceymarie
8. Fan_Of_Many_Things
9. lukeismyidiot
10. Academy-Angel
11. AggellEMoU
12. Cl_Stone
13. Hiddenheartseeker

And finally, (drum roll please) my questions!

1. Favorite hobby?
2. Sack full of puppies or sack full of kittens?
3. Favorite vacation and what would you do on that vacation?
4. Favorite subject in school?
5. Ebooks or printed version?
6. Favorite food and why?
7. Favorite movie?
8. What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done?
9. Favorite genre of music?
10. Would you rather be surrounded by friends or family?
11. What is your current pet?
12. Would you rather have a large group of friends that you aren't very close to or a small group of friends that you are very close to?
13. And last but not least, did you enjoy getting tagged and would you mind getting tagged again?

I can't wait to see your responses!

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