Chapter 12

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Elara walked down the hall, pulling her sleeve down for probably the fifth time in the past two minutes. Even if there was nothing wrong with her sleeves, she just felt like the scars were showing. Nothing she tried to get them to go away would work.

She was walking down the hall to go see her father. Even he didn't know about what happened. It would kill him if he knew. But she didn't know how long she could keep if from him, he would find out eventually.

Now not only did she fear her father finding out. She feared Draco finding out. She feared death. She feared being asked to help the Dark Lord.

Elara turned the corner and walking down the hall towards her was Umbrige. She turned, but she was already spotted.

"Elara, dear." Umbrige called after her. Elara froze in her stop and slowly turned to look at her.

"Yes?" She bit her tongue from saying something she shouldn't.

"How are you dear, I know how close you and your grandfather were. And him being missing and all."

"I'm fine, just peachy." She forced out the words before turning around.

"And your arms?" She could hear the grin in the women's voice.

"Perfect, why do you ask?" She forced a smile to look at her.

Elara then hurried off to where she could be alone. She just wanted to be alone. No one finding her. No one talking to her. No one. Just herself. She went to the tower, it was the only place she would know where to go to.

She lifted her sleeves up and looked at the words that were permanently carved into her arms. A single tear streamed down her face as she ran her hand over her left arm. Filthy Heartless. Her other arm half-blood was carved. Both are true, she couldn't deny that.

She heard light footsteps and quickly covered her arms. She started out the window and wiped her tears away.

"Elara, I've been looking for you everywhere. Why have you been avoiding me?" Draco walked quickly over to the girl.

"I've just needed time to myself."

"What did my aunt do to you?" She looked at him confused, trying to avoid the topic.

"What do you mean?"

"I heard her talking, I know she came to the school. Now don't lie to me. What did she do to you?" She looked down before slowly raising her left sleeve. "Oh my." He gasped.

She then lifted up her right sleeve and showed him both her arms. Rage filled his eyes and he went to turn around. She ran after him and wrapped her arms around his waist. She laid her head on his back and he slowly calmed down.

"I can't believe I let her hurt you. I'm supposed to be your boyfriend. I'm supposed to protect you." Elara felt her cheeks burn as a gasp left her lips.

"Boyfriend?" She questioned quietly.

"Yes, boyfriend. That's if that's what you want?" He said shyly.

She smiled and blushed. "I do, I really do. But that'll put you into even more danger." She said worriedly.

Draco turned his body, that they were in a tight embrace. "Stop worrying about that. If the time comes for that, then we'll deal with that then. For now can't we be happy. You deserve happiness and I believe I can provide that for you." He said looking into her bright eyes.

"Okay Draco, but if you get hurt after all of this, I'll never forgive myself." She said solemnly. His only response was pressing his lips against hers, making a smile appear on her face.

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