Chapter 19

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Elara woke up in her room, the sky was dark. She had fallen asleep, and she guess her father allowed her to rest. She through her legs over her bed and went to open the door. But froze when she heard voices.

"Severus, he wants her to join him." Elara hear Nacrissa, Draco's mother, say. She slowly walked down the hallway.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Severus calmly said, sounding like he always did.

"Draco told me, if he finds out. He'll kill you."

"No he won't, if he wants her to join. He won't harm me or the boy." Severus looked up to see is daughter watching from the top if the stairs.

"Elara." Nacrissa smiled softly at the girl her only son had fallen in love with.

"If he wanted me to join him, why did he have his right hand women attack me?" Nacrissa looked down as Severus slowly walked to the end of the stairs.

"My sister has never really been in the right if mind. She's always had a 'perfect' picture for the world."

"Well, her so-called-perfect idea got her locked away in the first place." Elara walked down the stairs.

Nacrissa smiled when she saw the ring Elara had been wearing since the dance. Never one since she put it on has she moved it from her finger. Elara looked down before hiding her hands on her long sleeved shirt. That part of her though she was looking at were the scars were and not the ring.

"I'll die no matter what, why would I want to join him? He'll kill me if I saw no. My powers could kill me at any moment. Why live my life in fear? Why live my life were other fear and hate me? I stayed hidden so I wouldn't have people fear me." With those words, Elara took off running out the back door.

"Elara!" Severus called, and attempted to go after, his daughter.

"Severus, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause such a mess." Nacrissa apologized.

"She would, and will, never join him. She knows she's dead either way." Severus shook his head.

"But, he has his ways." Nacrissa stepped closer to the old family friend.

"I know, that's what fears me the most." Severus stared out the door and into the darkness his daughter ran.


Draco had convinced his father to let him leave the house. He was walking around, people not even noticing him walking around.

He wanted to see Elara so bad. His heart was hurting so much, it was like burning a hole in his chest. He looked around to see if he was being followed. When he saw no one staring at him, he slowly started to walk to the Snape household.

As for Elara, she wasn't even close to her home. She had managed to hid in plan sight. The darkness of the night helped. But, now a days no one came out at night. It wasn't probably safe for her to be outside past sundown, but she was. She knew there was no way she could get to Draco. She slowly started to make her way back to her house, where her father waited worried for her safety... As well as her worry struck boyfriend.


"Elara, I was so worried about you!" Severus Snape said as his daughter entered their home.

"I'm sorry Dad. I was just overwhelmed, I didn't want his mother on those circumstances." She said sadly.

"Speaking of him... He's in your room, very worried at that." Severus said to his only child.

Elara's eye lit up at the mention of Draco. "He's here?" She said happily. "Wait. He's in my room?" She added bewildered

"Yes, when he came here and found out you ran off after his mother came to speak with me about you, he was very distraught. Blames himself." Severus said solemnly.

"Oh my. I'll go speak with him." She said rushingly. 'Oh how I couldn't wish for a better boyfriend.' She thought as she entered her room.

"Draco." She said lovingly, looking at her distraught boyfriend with fondness.

He quickly turned around and looked at her with sadness in his eyes. She quickly ran over and wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head on his chest. He then wrapped his arms around her and held her close, never wanting to let go.

"I'm so sorry, my mum knows. I didn't tell her. " Tears fell and hit the top of her head. She looked up and kissed the bottom of his chin.

"It's okay." She whispered and he looked down at her.

"How'd I end up with someone's as sweat as you?" She smiled and laid a hand on his cheek.

"Opposites attract." He smiled and kissed the top of her head.

He smiled, but frowned when he saw she had gloves covering her arms. She saw and looked down, pulling her arms away from him and stepping back.

"Elly." He whispered sadly.

"Don't, please." She almost begged.

"Don't be afraid. He won't hurt you."

"Because he wants me to join him. He only thinks he knows he can hurt me because your aunt killed my mum." She shook her head, cutting herself off.

But he could hurt her, she has three important men in her life. Their all she has. Her friends slowly seemed to be turning on her. He could hurt her, he could break her till her powers kill her.

"I won't let anything bad happen to you. I promise, you won't have to join him."

"Promise?" She looked at him with sad eyes.

"Always." He whispered before pulling her into a kiss.

Severus couldn't help but listen in from the hallway. 'Always" the familiar word echoed in his head. 'Oh how I miss you Emily.' He thought as he retreated to his study.

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