New School Part 3

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James pov
I pick up Troy with out hesitating. "What are you doing I was having fun!" Ty says mad. "I am helping." I say running to the nurses office. "Nurse! Nurse!" I say running even faster watching everyone look at me. I get to the nurses office the nurse says "How did this happen?" "Ty was kicking on Troy" I said looking at Troy woried."That's his name Troy." The nurse says getting medicine out of a cabinet. "Yes mam" I said looking at Troy. "And you are a friend of Troy's." The nurse says bringing medicine and a band-aid. "Yes also mam." I say holding Troy's hand under the table. "Now can you help me this his shirt." The nurse says pointing at Troys shirt. I hesitate I think to myself wait what. "Shure how do you want me to help?" I say really awkward. "Well first take the shirt off of him." The nurse says getting alot of supplies. "Uh...uh...Shure." I say grabbing the bottom of his shirt. I gently take off his shirt and he is hurt really bad. 30 minutes later *knock knock* I answer the door and it is... wait...KYLE! "Oh hey James I was wondering if you seen Troy around." Kyle said. "Nope I bet you he is around somewhere though." I said. "Oh ok thanks James." Kyle says going to the cafateria first. I walk back into the nurses office and shut the door behind me. The nurse went to the principals office to talk to Troys parent's. So I stayed with Troy untill he worked up. I have his hand in my hand still and it fells really soft. I don't know why it fells like this when I hold my girlfriends hand it do fell like this. "Ugh my stomach hurts and my hand fells warm?" Troy looks down at his hand and sees that I am holding his hand. I pretend to be asleep he sees that I am asleep and get's up and faces me and kiss me on the for head?
Troy's pov
I see that James is holding my hand and I am so happy ok I am just going to kiss him on the head and wait for him to react hmm I guess he is asleep oh well. "Hmm *yawns* morning." James says standing up and let's go of my hand. "Morning sleepy head. What happend to me?" I say looking at James. "Uh I don't know." James says walking out of the nurses office. "Wait James do you know where Kyle is he is probably worried about me." I say stopping James. "Uh actually I don't know but I do know something what we can do school is over so do you want to walk home with me?" James says looking at me with one eye brow rased up. "Ok James Shure." I say walking out of the school with James. "Hey James." I say looking down at the ground. "Yeah Troy. " James says looking at me worried. "My birthday I coming up and will I don't want anyone else to know because you are the only one who is well caring and so is Kyle." I say sadly. "Hey don't worry I won't tell anyone honest." James says. "Thank you I a pre-." I say being stopped by a headache and falling backwards. I fall backwards and James catches me and I go into pitch black. "Hey don't talk to my girl friend." ??? said. "Wait that just sounds like TY!" I say running from ty. "I didn't!" I say running as fast as I can. "Oh you did and you wink back." Ty said louder. "No I didn-! Ow." I say running into a wall. I try to find a way out and I can't see a thing. "YES YOU DID AND KNOW IT IS TIME TO PAY!" Ty said walking up to me balling a fist. "AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!" I say waking up from my nightmare. "Ow are you ok?" James says letting go of his ears. "That is a high pitch scream." Kyle says letting go of his ears also. "I am so sorry." I say getting up from the floor. "What happend to me?" I say to Kyle and James. "Well I thought James hurt you so I told him what did you do *rest of the story is boring but you can make this part yours* and that is it." Kyle says to me. "Yeah pretty much it."     James says. "But are you ok that is the real question." Kyle says. "Yeah I think so but ugh my head hurts." I say holding my head. "Ok that's good just put some ice on it. Oh hey I have to go talk to you guys later." Kyle says walking to the bus. "Ok bye see yea." I say waving good bye. "Hey Troy do you want to still walk or no?" James says getting my attention. "Umm yeah I still want to walk." I say walking beside James. We get into town and stop at a bench in the park. "Hey Troy?" James says turning to me. "Yeah James?" I say scared of what I think he might say. "When is your birthday?" James says wondering. "Umm actually tomorrow." I say worried if he is going to it. "Really cool so you will be 13 correct." James says surprised. "Yeah wait how did you know what my age is going to be?" I said. "Kyle told me." James said. "Oh...we'll we should start to go right?" I said standing up. "Yeah we should." James said standing up also. We get to my house. "Thank you for walking me to my house." I say to James. "Any time." James says. "Well you be ok walking home by your self?" I said. "Yeah I will be fine I live only two houses a-way." James says hesitating by looking into my eyes. "Jam-!hm" I stop and James kisses me. James puts his right hand on the back of my head and his left hand up the back of my shirt. He opens his mouth for entry and I denied. I stop kissing and pull away. He stops and looks at me. "I'm sorry. Today my girl friend cheated on me and I have been miserable ." James says looking at me. "Its ok if you don't want to be friends anymore you probably don't want to be friends with a weak,worthless, and a mis-." James says being stopped by a hug. "Why do you still like me I just kissed you and told you my girl friend cheated on me?" James says heart broken. "Because you. You are not weak,worthless and surely not a mistake. Here how about this my mom is going out for 4 weeks and my uncle Sam is going to take care of me you can come over anytime right know my mom is at work untill 1:00 in the morning you can stay untill then." I say looking at his face. "" James says confused. "Suprised?" I said. "A lot will I guess I am too...wait please don't tell Kyle." James says holding my face. I smile and say "I won't I promise." James let's go of my face. "Good thank you. You shure know how to cheer someone up hu Troy." James says happily. "Yup shure do." I say giving James a hug. "I am starting to get cold I say we go inside." I say walking to the door. "Ok." James says walking right next to me. "So where is the key?" James says looking around. "It is under that plant." I said. "Oh ok I don't see it." James says looking around. "It is plastic just pick it up." I said. "Oh ok umm got it." James said. "So what do we do?" James says sitting down in a chair. "I don't know what your going to do but I am going to cook." I say grabbing out pots and pans. "Your good thing may be looking cute but mine is cooking." I say grabbing eggs,bacon,biscuits and butter. "Will then you have 2 good things." James says while getting up and walking over to me. "Oh really what is that then." I say while starting to cook. "You are good at cooking that smells great for number one, number two you think I'm cute (gets up out of seat and walks over to me) your more adorable than anyone or anything (turns me around to face his icey blue eyes) and don't let anyone tell you different (gets closer to my mouth) because you are...the most...important (puts right hand behind head)" James says kissing me taking my spatula out of my right hand and setting it down on the counter and shutting off the stove with his left hand and putting it up my shirt. I don't know why but I opened up my mouth and demand entry he accepted and came in. I loved doing this but I had to stop and get to know him but before I new he started taking off his shirt. I have to stop but I can't this is so good. I open my eyes and saw his 6 pack of abs. He started picking me up sitting me on the counter. I still don't know why but he loved it and I don't know why he chose me. I started pulling up my shirt it came off and when it did he stopped and pulled away and looked down and saw a scar from where ty hurt me. And he grabbed his shirt and walked outside. I got up and walked out side I didn't even see a trace of him. "James! James! James if I done something wrong I am sorry. Please answer me!" I say while walking behind the house in front everywhere.
James ovp
When I saw Troy's cut from ty I had to get away I didn't want to get mad and he don't like me. I mean I love him he is so adorable I didn't know what to do. Ugh what is wrong with me I'm making Troy scream for me. I am so confused! I put my shirt back on. I can't tell Kyle that we kissed or I am dead. I get back inside the house and I hear Troy crying ugh what have I done. I walk up the stairs and walk to a door and open it up the room was covered with boxes. I walk over to Troy. Troy was in a ball crying ugh I need to fix this. "Hey Troy." I say hugging him. "James! What did I do wrong why did you run aw-." Troy says getting stop by me kissing him. I pull me and Troy away and I say "Troy I am really sorry it's just I love you and I fell stupid because I made you cry and ty hurt you and once I see him I am going to hurt him back." I said. "James it's ok no one needs to get hurt and I love you too it's just please don't run away from me I love you to much to let you go." Troy says getting up and walking out of the room. I follow him out of the room and I sit beside him on the couch. 3 movies later "James you know when you said I love you earlier did you mean it?" Troy says laying his head on my lap. "Of course I did but to be honest I think you said it first." I say joking around. "No way you did." Troy said. "Yeah shure." I say laying my lips on his. When we kiss it is makes me fell perfect. "Hey-what-time-is-it." Troy says while kissing me every word. "12:50 Why?" I say when someone knocks on the door. "I got it." I say walking to the door. "Wait don't awnser the door my mom is there I am so sorry but you have to go." Troy says grabbing my hand. "Why I always wanted to meet your mom." I say getting closer to the door. "No if my mom sees you here she is going to embarrasse me please don't if you truly love me then please leave." Troy said holding my rist from the door. "Okay I will see you tomorrow." I say giving Troy a kiss good bye and I run back to my house and lay in my bed falling asleep waiting for tomorrow.

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