New school Part 1

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I wake up to the beeping of an alarm. It was time to get up and ride the bus to my new school. I was ready to go but I didn't want to get out of my bed. It was so so so soft. But I had to get up and I knew I was going to hate myself to. So I got up looked around my closet to find a fancy shirt. Luckily I found a blue and black stript t-shirt with a good pare of blue jeans. I left my room and went to the kitchen to cook my lunch and breakfast. I cooked mom's breakfast to she liked my eggs and bacon. I put it in the microwave so it could stay as warm as possible. "Hey mom the bus it's about here and I got breakfast for you and me, love you bye." I said to mom in her room. "Thanks sweetie love you too and bye" Mom said softly on the other side of the door. I grabbed my backpack and waited for the bus to come and pick me up. As I waited for the bus I sat down playing with rocks thinking to myself about school. Will I meet new friends or will I get picked on. As I thought I herd a person say "Hey you getting on kid?" I looked up and I see the bus driver holding the doors open for me to come in. "Oh yes I am sorry I was not paying attention." I said while getting on the bus. I looked to find the closes seat I could I keep looking finding nothing. Untill I found a seat in the farthest back so I sat right next to a boy with a black t-shirt and a black and green jacket and blue jeans. "Hi I am the new kid. So how long in till we get to school." I said to the unknown boy. He don't even look in my drection. I think to my self and I thought he might have head phones in. So I didn't even bother him. I sit here doing nothing looking at him waiting for him to say something. "Hi I am sorry I was listening to music in my headphones." He said. "Huh?" I said. "Oh I am sorry my name is james merlin." James said. "Oh and my name is Troy Willson." I said. "That's a good name." James said. I blush depply red as he looks and sees me blush. I look at him and then I say "I like your name to it suits you." He blushes a dark red. The bus finally stops and people start getting off. So I get all my stuff and I get up and as I get up james trips over me making me fall to. He falls on top of me and our eyes meet each other and our lips where so close we could feel ecother's breath.
Troy was under me and I didn't want to move he is so adorable, no stop it james you are not gay you are straight right you have a girlfriend. We are so close to kissing I wanted to fake it and slip on to his soft lips. Stop talking like that james come on your straight. "H-h-hey y-y-you o-k?" I said while helping him up. "Y-y-yea I am." Troy said. We get off the bus while we walk away from each other. I wish I could get to learn more about him.
OMG James just ask me if I was ok. OMG I can't believe that. As I walk away from James I will always look back at him just to see his adorable face. I walk to the doors of the school. "Hey Troy!" Kyle Houston said while jumping out of the bushes. I look back while slapping him in the face on accident. We walked in side I felt so bad. We got to the nurses office and I sat my backpack on the floor, we sat down beside ecother. "Don't scare me again plz." I said while rubbing his eye with a wet towel I got from the drawer next to the sink that I wetted with water. "I am so sorry for scaring you." Kyle said. "Your fine." I said. "Just don't do it again silly." I said in a joking way. "Ok." Kyle said with a smile. It was silent for a while untill the bell rang. "WAIT THE BELL. OH NO I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE TO GO. WHAT ARE MY CLASSES. I WAS NEEDING TO GET THE SCHEDULE FROM THE PRINCIPAL OFFICE." I said loudly. "Hey,hey,hey its ok you go and get your schedule. And I will keep this on ice. I am ok." Kyle said while rubbing my back. "You shure you will be ok?" I said looking into his eyes worried. "Yeah I'll be fine I am strong." Kyle said while flexing his mussels. I look away smiling and blushing slightly red. I get up and grab my backpack. "See you later." I said walking out side. "Bye! " Kyle said while walking to his first class. I walk down the hall thinking about clas-. I think as being stopped by the 4min. bell ring. I all most jumped out of my skin. 3min. Later. I finally got to the principal office thank the lord I was everywhere! I walk in and there is the principal with the schedule in his hand. "Here you go Tyler now hurry up and get to class and your locker number is 25." The principal said. "Sir yes sir!" I said while walking out to go to 1st hour. It says [ ENGLISH 1ST HOUR] I am not a fan of english but let's just see how it goes. I get to the door of english and I knocked and I look threw a little glass on the side of the door and the teacher opened the door and said "Oh let me guess you are the new kid ain't you?" "Yes mam." I said politely. "Oh well come in come in. I am Mrs. Whitney. We were just about to start. Go ahead and introduce yourself to the class." Mrs. Whitney said. "Ok. (I walk up to the front of the class) Hi I am Troy Willson. I am 12 years old. And my old school was Rage Middle School. And I hope to fit in." I said with a smile. "I hope you can fit in to Troy." Mrs. Whitney said with a smile. "Thankyou Mrs. Whitney." I said politely. "You are welcome." Mrs. Whitney said. I look around and see everyone gossiping about me but I didn't pay attention (nor did I care). "Where can I sit Mrs. Whitney?" I said looking at the desks. "You can sit uuuummm next to Charles and Sarah." Mrs. Whitney said pointing at the desk. I walk over and sat down looking at Charles and Sarah. I don't even think they wanted to talk to me. I look down at my desk sad with my hands folded on my lap under my desk. As I look up I see a girl with golden blond hair with a black t-shirt and blue jeans with one ruby earing. "Here you go." The girl said with a smile and a wink. I look down and it is an English book. "Thankyou." I said with a smile. "You are welcome." She says while walking away. "Ok class we are going to start by turning to page 543." Mrs. Whitney said. I turned to the page and we are learning to do poetry. Now I am good at poetry, poetry I can do. "Ok class I want you to write one sentence of a poetry you know, for the rest of class." Mrs. Whitney said. I grab my backpack and get a piece of paper from one of my note pads and a pencil with red and black patterns on. I stop and think of what poetry I am going to write. Maybe a Haiku or a couplet no no maybe a acrostic ugh I don't know. I know a Hyperbole! Yeah that's the one. Ok what am I going to write uuummm. My hyperbole is: The winter is warmer than summer. In plain language: the winter was not as cold. Perfect I am done! I get up and walk over to Mrs. Whitney's desk and I hand her the paper "WOW you're done already?" Mrs. Whitney said surprised. "Yup I know all poetry buy my last school." I said. *Bells Rings* "Oh its time to go?" I said surprised. I get out my schedule that I folded in my right pocket. It says [MATH 2ND HOUR] oh ok it's math. Math ain't really bad nor good for me. I mean as long as I get it. I grabbed my backpack and walk out of the class room. I start walking to second hour. I had a hole map of the school this is so cool. I look at the schedule and it says that math is on the second floor. What second floor really this school is huge! I go and open my locker (to put my english book in) that is close to the stairs to the second floor and all of a sudden I hear Kyle talking to wait james?

*Guys I will write the next one untill I get 10 votes and 5 comments I have to have both to write the next one so tell your friends or brothers or sisters and start voting plz*

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