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James ovp
I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock beeping. "Today is a new day with my favorite person in the world." I say getting dressed and brushing my teeth. I get done and walk to Troy's house. I knock on the door. "Hello who is it?" ??? Said. Oh right Troy's uncle come to take care of him. "I am James a friend of Troy's." I said. "Oh ok Troy time to wake up a friend of yours is here." Sam says while walking up the stairs to Troy's room. "Umm but it is a saturday fine let me see who it is." Troy says walking down the stairs in a cute red and black pajamas with pink slippers and messy red hair. "JAMES WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE ON A SATURDAY DON'T YOU HAVE SOME FRIENDS TO HANG OUT WITH!" Troy says walking to me shutting the door behind him. "I am here to see you and you are my number one person." I say hugging him but denied. "We have to talk." Troy says holding my rist. What is wrong with him today he nows he is my number one person and he won't even hug me. "Ok anywhere you would like to go I agree with." I say bowing. "We are going to my tree house." Troy says walking behind the house. "OK I follow." I say walking behind him. We get inside and sit down. "So what is wrong?" I say trying to hold his hand but denied. "James I love you I do but don't let me hold you back I think we have to brake up." Troy says getting into a ball and start crying. "Wait we we're dating when did we start dating please don't stop dating me I love you and you never will hold me back ever if there was any holding me back it probably would be me." I say grabbing Troy and sitting him in my lap. *hahahaha* "I guess we are both good at cheering ectother up. I wouldn't stop dating you if it was the end of the world." Troy says turning around going to kiss me but I denied. "Hey I am the one who kissess you." I say pulling Troy's mouth clouser and clouser and we touched. I start taking off my shirt if Troy starts taking his off don't run away no mater what. He started taking off his shirt untill I notice his mouth was opened so he wanted me to come in I accept. Our toungs rub against each other going further and further down each others throats. Troy takes off his shirt and I try to stay calm and focus on his lips and I actually stay calm. Everything was perfect untill *ring ring* Troys phone starts to ring. He pulls away and says "Sorry I have to take this." "Its fine go right ahead." I say hugging him. *he picks up his phone and awnsers it* "Hello? Oh hey Kyle how have you been. Oh you are at my door step. And you are knocking at the door. And my uncle says I am in the tree house. And you are walking to my tree house. Oh ok I see yea bye...*hangs up phone and looks at me and says* hide!" I get up and hide under the couch. *knock knock* "hello? Anyone home?" Kyle says opening the trapdoor. "Oh hey Kyle what up." Troy says waving to him. "Hey Troy I have something to tell you. I didn't tell James because I thought he was the same way." Kyle says sitting above me on the couch. "What is it Kyle?" Troy says sitting next to him. I start getting worried if he is going to say he loves Troy. Kyle starts getting closer to Troy. "Ky-?hmm" Troy says being stopped by being kissed by Kyle. I try not to get mad. I try not to kill Kyle. But I couldn't stop myself. I up from my hiding place and they we're still kissing! I just walked out with out being notice. I walk back to my house with out a phone call nor a text or a even walk up to. I walk back staring at the ground crying... . I didn't know what to do. I fall asleep crying. +next day+
Troy's ovp
I didn't know who to choose Kyle or James no ones fellings should get hurt. Wait I now who to call. I call an old friend named Sarah. "Hey Sarah how have you been?" I said. "Nothing much you?" Sarah says. "Not to good." I said. "What's wrong now boy trouble?" Sarah said. "Yeah." I said. "Lay it on me Troy." Sarah said. "Well there is boy named James *hole in tire story*" I said. "Wow that is huge I don't know what to say." Sarah said. "Yeah now I am embarrassed." I said. "Don't be just be yourself." Sarah said. "Your right." I said. "Hey I have to go I am shopping." Sarah said. "Ok bye!" I say hanging up the phone. I fall asleep and thinking.....James! Oh my gosh I forgot he walked out of the tree house when...me and...Kyle! Oh no no no no I have to say sorry. When me and Kyle stopped kissing I told him me and James we're dating and I think I broke his heart. I have to sneek out and say sorry. I get pass my uncle snoring. And head straight to Kyle's house. I knock and someone anserd the door. "Hello who is this?" ??? Said. "I am a friends of Kyle." I said. "Oh ok Kyle! One of your friends are here." ??? Said. "Ok I am coming." Kyle said. Kyle walks down the stairs and sees me and says "oh Troy just tell him to leave." "Wait WHAT!" I say stomping my feet on the ground. "Well you herd him I'm sorry you have to go." ??? Said. "Kyle please listen to me I'm sorry ok?" I say being pushed by a door shutting. "No I won't listen." Kyle says walking back up the stairs. "Kyle please!" I says almost closed out. "No!" Kyle says turning around the corner. "Kyle please please Kyle *sob sob* please." I say while the door is fully closed and I am rolled up in a ball outside crying. I didn't even want to see if James was going to kill me. I walk over to James house and knock on the door. "Hello? Who is there oh it's you." ??? Said. "How do you know me?" I said. "James told me about you." ??? Said. "Can I just please talk to James." I said. "Ugh I guess so James a friend of yours wants to talk to you." ??? Said. James walks around a corner with a girl? "James? Who is this?" I says pointing to the girl who is holding his hand. "Oh this is Jane my old girl friend we got back together." James says kissing her. I run back to my house crying trying to think about something else. I get to my house I quietly go to my room and lay down and I couldn't sleep at all. *next day* I wake up it is Sunday but I didn't care I put on clouse and eat breakfast and I walk around town hopping I wouldn't see Kyle or James. I get to the park and sit down on a bench thinking of what will happen in the future. I just get back up and walked around the park. When I fell in love with James I thought it was for ever. But now I don't know what love is anymore. I'm lost *ring ring* who is it now! Wait it is James ugh what does he want to hurt my fellings more. Hang up!
James ovp
Ugh what have I done I was drunk because Jane gave me alcohol instead of water I have to say sorry. I walk over to Troy's house and he wasn't there so where is he? At the park! I run to the park seeing Kyle crying? "Hey Kyle whats wrong?" I say sitting by him. "Oh Hey James Troy told me you guys where dating and that hurt my fellings so I hurt his when he came over to apologize I hurt his fellings harder." Kyle says looking down at the ground. "Kyle you know you shouldn't have done that I was forced to hurt him I got drunk and I kissed my girl friend in front of him ugh what is wrong with me." I said. "More like what is wrong with us." Kyle said. "Yeah your right." I said. "Well we can't stay here forever." I say getting up. "Your right we have to find Troy be fore he gets hurt." Kyle says getting up also. "Where would he be though." I said. "Maybe the mall no how about the beach no no uh James what if he is." Kyle said looking at me. "Oh no we have to go right now." I say running. I am hopeing Troy anit at the bad part of town where oh no ty lives. I run faster and faster to see if he is there.
Troy's ovp
Ugh I should have turned around I am lost. Maybe I should call James no he hurt my fellings I will never talk to hi-. "Well we'll we'll what do we have here?" ??? Said. "Oh hello umm who are you?" I say walking backwards into a corner. "Names red but that don't matter what matters is you are in our turf and you know what we do to trespassers." Red says walking clouser. "Umm no actually I don't."I said. "We give them to spider." Red said. "Spider?" I said. "Yeah spider so follow me." Red say grabbing my wrist. "Uh ok." I says following red somewhere. We get there and I go threw a door and spider is is is is TY!!! "Well looks like someone got brokenhearted." Ty said. "Umm what oh your talking to me I thought you where talking to yourself." I say looking at my feet. "You know what." Ty said. "No actually I don't." I said. "Follow me now." Ty said. "Uh no why would I want to go with you?" I said. "Its ether that or you would die." Ty said. "Ok fine I will follow you." I say. We walk into a room with a bed and candles. "Tie him to the bed." Ty said. "Wait what." I said. I get pushed to the bed and tied up to I could move. "Ty you don't have to do this." I said. "Oh no I do you took my girl friend from me and insens you are not a girl I will have to make do." ty said. "Wait what are you going to do to me!" I said. "Oh not me red is." Ty said walking out. "Wait Sir we wasn't going to do this." Red said. "Oh we're not hurting him love is." Ty said.
James ovp
I start running faster and faster. I finally get to the building. I open the door to find Ty in the middle of the room. "Where is Troy." I say holding Ty up by the neck. "Oh him he is dating another guy probably somewhere." Ty said. I pull my grip stronger "Where is Troy now!" I said. "You know what I will just tell you the truth he is getting rape somewhere." Ty said. I through him out the window getting up the stairs. "I AM COMING TROY!!!" I said. "AAAAAHHHHH!!" Troy was screaming. I knew he was getting hurt. I kept running and running untill I get to this long hallway and a guys was there with a sharp dreadful knife.
Troy's ovp
A guy was trying to pull my pants off."Get off of me." I say trying to kick him. "No way this is just geting f-." He says being stopped by James kicking the door down. "James!" I said. "Get off of him!" James says punching the guy who was trying to rap me. "Are you OK Troy?" James says worried. "Yeah I'm fine are y- wait I thought you where with little girl friend and how do I know you aren't here to help them rap me." I say crossing my arms looking out a window. "Look I'm sorry but I was dunk by Jane instead of water she gave me alcohol and I didn't notice it. Please let me say sorry. And if I was apart of there gang you would be dead." James says begging. "Hey we have to get out of here like now we will go out the back way." James says grabbing my hand pulling me out. I look at my hand and his hand is literally holding mine. We get out and we run to the park we stop in front of a parking bench. "Troy" James says looking at me in a funny way. "Yeah James?" I say joking around also. "I'm sorry." James said. "For wh-." I say being stopped by James passing out on me. And when he passed out on me I touch somthing wet and I look at my hand and it was BLOOD!

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