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Look at how fast I updated? Loving where this story is right now that's why :P

Like just under 100 words from 2000 words ughhhhh oh well I like this chapter it's cute.


Ariels POV

Time starts going by slow... Or maybe fast. All the days blur together. Parker and Justin are the only people I really like and hang out with. But Raphie works at home more often, ever since I broke my wrist. Which has long since healed.

So I'm alone. Raphael in his office and me with all the time on my hands. But I can't leave the house of course, oh goddess forbid I do that. Then Raphie is mad for days and I get a lecture and it's just so frustrating.

How long has it been living in Raphie's house now anyway? A month... Maybe a little longer. Ah well, no one texts me or calls me to check up. Well, mom does. She calls every week but she can never talk for long, always being pulled away by dad for something. I can tell it frustrates her, she called crying once, almost made me cry. She said she missed me. Well, she's the only one. But I miss mom and dad and Aubrey most.

I sit on the edge of the pool, alone, as usual. I sigh, looking down at the calm water. I had too much free time on my hands. Raphie never includes me on his alpha stuff so I'm here being a very useless Luna. Aren't I supposed to help around or something?

I growl and kick the water with my toes, splashing it across the pool. Dumb Alpha Raphie.

"Ariel?" Think of the devil apparently works too. I look back at him, standing beside him is the pack doctor.

"Are you sick or something?" I raise an eyebrow, looking at Raphie.

"No... Actually she's here to see you." I've never seen Raphael be awkward, but I'm pretty sure that's how you describe what he's being now.

"Why? I'm not sick. Or hurt. Look, my wrist it fine." I lift it up and wave it around.

"I'm afraid I'm not here for your physical health." She says slowly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I inquire, awfully confused.

"I'm here to test your mental health, Luna."

I think my wolf finally snapped as the anger bubbles inside me. Raphael thinks I'm mentally damaged does he? He thinks I need to be tested for something? I stand up and march myself right in front of him.

"You're the one who's isolating himself and being an absolute dick to me, if anyone should be getting their mental health tested it's you Raphael. You and your stupid alpha ways and stupid rules of keeping me locked up in the house and not being allowed to be alone. You're a fucking bitch and I hope you feel as hurt as I do, because dear Alpha Raphael I'm not going to act like your mate until you act like mine."

And then I run. Out into the forest, letting my wolf out. Letting her take out her anger as she runs. Our anger as we run.

It hurts too. What Raphael did. It hurts.

No one comes after me this time. No wolf to chase me or protect me. I'm left alone. Inside, I know I hurt Raphael, but he also hurt me. I go faster and faster until I get tired and finally I stop. I just lay there and eventually I fall asleep.


Something keeps nudging me. I just want to sleep! Geez. Slowly I open my eyes to see a huge pretty brown wolf. Colours ranging from all sorts. I wish I had a bunch of pretty browns like that, I'm white and black like mom.

Alpha RaphaelWhere stories live. Discover now