The Love Story of a Cinder Block

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Hi, my name is Cinder Clarkson. (before you make any jokes about my name, I am not a princess, I'm not Cinderella, and I am sure not a cinder block! I happen to like my name. It has a certain unique quality!) Anyway. I am going to tell you a little story about, high school!

I am in 11th grade, going to West Park High. I am pretty smart, but sometimes...things get in my way of doing well! Let's just say, by now, me and the principal are on a first name basis! It's not that I am a trouble making, bad girl. It's just...people annoy me sometimes! And I stick up for myself, is that such a crime? High school is high school, it is as good as it can get. But my story will show you that it can turn out great in the end!

"Hey Cinder Block!" David Newman marched up to me and gave me a nudge. What? I said. (David is the only person I let call me Cinder Block. It is his nickname for me, and he is just messing with me. Other people do it to annoy me and hurt my feelings, (people can be jerks if you haven't already noticed.) David leaned against my locker, he looked down at me. He is 6 feet 3 inches tall, while I was way back at 5 foot 7 inches tall. He has dark brown hair, big brown eyes, and a white toothed smile. He smiled at me real big. "So Cinder Block, you coming to the basketball game today?" I looked at him with big eyes. "After what happened last time? No way!" I picked up my books and started walking to class. He was following me. Gosh why does he have to be so annoying and perfect at the same time, I thought to myself. "Come on, everybody has gotten a bloody nose from getting hit with some type of sport ball, heck I have got 3 bloody noses from soccer balls alone." He said. I kept walking. He stopped me, "Look, Cinder I want you to go, we can stop off at the pizza place and grab a slice each before we go!" I stopped and looked right at him, "What makes you think I want to go on a date with you?" I stared at him wildly. "I wasn't asking you out on a date, Cinder." He said a little too loud. Everyone looked at me and started laughing, I felt my face get hot and I ran into the girls washroom. I could hear David yelling my name, I thought to myself: No, just annoying, not perfect, he is just another mean, popular, bully like the rest.

I looked at my self through the cracked mirror. "Man I'm ugly!" I said out loud, just as someone came out of a bathroom stall, they looked at me funny, washed there hands and left. Crap! Why do I have to be so embarrassing? It is true though, I have light brown hair, hazel eyes, and a straight smile. I have big, nerdy, black rimmed glasses. (Not like the cute, nerdy ones, in style now a days. No, big honking, magnifying glasses, held together by thick black plastic) I guess without my glasses I look good, but I can't see a thing without them, and contacts irritate me. So I guess I am stuck being plain old ugly! "Oh my gosh!" I looked at my watch, it was 9:45. "I am 30 minutes late for science!" I said. "Man, I can't go to the principles office again, I'll get grounded." I took off running to class.


I rushed through the now empty hallways, rushing to make it to my class before I had another appointment with Steven! Oh, oops I mean principle Albern. I got to my science class door and ran in, only to run into another classmate. We both fell over, knocking my glasses off my face and my books out of my hands, and I ended up falling on top of him. (Oh god, how much embarrassment can one day throw at me?)

We both looked at each other, and I blushed and said the first thing that came to mind! "Sorry!" He looked at me and then smiled. "Don't worry about it."

He handed me my glasses. I put them on and WOW! That boy was beautiful! He had longish blond hair, amazing blue, caring eyes, that seemed to dance with laughter, and a perfect, gleaming smile.

But my day dream was cut short, when all the sudden his face changed, and I realized horrified that people were laughing and I was still on top of him.

He must have noticed I felt awkward, because he smiled at me. I smiled back and helped him up, he picked up my books and handed them to me. When he passed me my books, our hands touched, and we looked into each others eyes. All the sudden all the laughter was gone, it was just me and him alone, nobody to bother us, nobody to laugh and make fun, just us! Perfect. It was that moment I had a feeling I had never felt before, it was that moment, I KNEW he was special, he meant something, something more than anyone else! But what could that something be?

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"Hi." He said a little shyly. "My name's Jason." I just stared at him smiling for a bit before I realized how dumb I was acting and snapped out of it. "Oh right. My name is Cinder!"

A voice came from the back of the classroom: "Way to run into the new kid, you b****(female dog") I looked back, and yelled: "I obviously didn't mean too." I started thinking of so many things to say to whoever started this, but suddenly Jason broke into my thoughts! "Hey, lay off her, she didn't mean to, and it is as much my fault as it is her fault. I shouldn't have been standing right behind the door!"

I looked at him and he smiled sweetly and whispered, "don't worry about it, stuff like this happens." I smiled and walked back through the sea of kids and desks, dodging a couple paper wads, and people trying to trip me.

I picked a desk in the middle. Not a good decision, I hate being the centre of attention. And of course, with my luck, all eyes were on me, and none of them looked happy. I started to feel like I was shrinking into a small mouse, and they were all huge tigers ready to ponce on me and crush me, any minute.

Then Jason picked the seat beside me, and he looked at everyone, with an unimpressed look on his face, and they all stopped starring.

I looked at him wide mouthed, and then he saw me looking and I quickly looked away, and started reading my textbook.

I just realized now that the teacher hasn't been here for any of this . He probably introduced Jason and then went to get something from the printer.

I thought excitedly, maybe he didn't notice I was late!

He walked in the door. "Hello students, quiet down. Quiet down. We have work to do. Open your textbook to page 137, we will be starting our new biology unit today." Darn it, I hardly understood the last unit! At least he didn't notice I was late. "Oh, and Ms. Clarkson, may I speak to you about your tardiness, please." Oh come on! "Fine." I mumbled.

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