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"Of course we will go to the beach with you, my dear Apple!" Daring exclaimed. By "we," he meant himself and his mirror. Apple rolled her eyes when he turned back to said mirror. 

"Well, I would prefer if your little, um, friend, didn't come along." Apple was gesturing toward the golden rimmed mirror. 

"But, but, he'll be all alone here, all by himself!" Daring hugged the mirror.

Apple facepalmed. "Daring, it's an inanimate object! It will be fine!" She took the mirror from his hands and placed it on his dresser. Then she grabbed his arm and pulled him along. "Besides, a golden mirror would probably get ruined at the beach. Think of all that sand and salt water."

Daring gasped. "What about my hair?!?!?!" He reached up and covered his head.

Apple groaned. "You can fix it when we get back. Now c'mon. We don't wanna keep everyone waiting."

As they entered Book End to hit the path to Mirror Beach, Apple spotted Briar looking around, confused. She resisted the urge to laugh. She really had lost her!

"Hey Bri! We're gonna head on over right now! See ya when ya get there!" Briar spun around, her face bewildered at how Apple was suddenly behind her.

"Oh, ok, I'm heading over now too." She slowly walked toward them. Apple just gave her signature princess smile.

Daring flashed his blinding smile at Apple. "Have I ever told you how beautiful and perfect you are?" He said.

Apple held back from rolling her eyes. "Yes Daring. You have. Quite often actually. But thank you." 

"You are my perfect princess! And I, your charming prince!" Daring then leaned down and kissed her. Apple politely broke it off, grinned, then dashed ahead on the path to the beach.

Back behind her, Daring and Briar followed.

"Man, that girl can run! Has she always been that fast?" Daring looked on in astonishment.

"No. Nor has she been able to do push-ups, target shooting, uneven bars, or anything else for the Fairytale Challenge. It's just been recently, maybe the past three weeks or so," Briar commented with a frown.

"Quite interesting. What in Ever After is going on with my Apple Pie?" Daring asked.

"I have no idea."

Up ahead, Apple made it to the beach. She kicked off her flip-flops, picked them up, and continued her jog to where Raven had obviously made a beach cabana for their little entourage. 

"Once upon a hi Raven!" Apple greeted as she arrived at the cabana. She hung her bag on a hook and set her flip-flops on the floor by everyone else's. 

"Hey Apple! Glad you could make it! Where's Daring?" Raven asked, hugging her roomie. 

"He's coming. I ran on ahead. Just some hexercise, ya know?" 

"Oh, ya, totally cool. Well go ahead and change into your suit and hit the surf!" Raven exclaimed. Apple smiled and snagged her bikini out of the bag. A few minutes later she came out and was greeted by Daring.

"I did not know you could run that fast, my dear Apple! You had Briar and I huffing and puffing to catch up!" Daring exclaimed. Apple gave a sheepish grin. 

"Sorry. Guess I was super hexcited to get to Mirror Beach!" Then she skirted off to the bright blue waves. 

"Apple! A bunch of us are gonna try some surfing! Wanna come?" Darling called, gesturing to a bunch of surfboards.

"Sure! That sounds fableous!" Apple joined Darling, Briar, Alistair, and Hunter by the surfboards. She grabbed one and they all started into the surf. One they got knee deep, they climbed on their boards and began paddling. 

When they got out to the big waves, Apple attempted to stand up, but fell in. She popped up laughing. 

"That was wicked cool! I'm going again!" She climbed back in the board and continued "surfing!" 

When the day was over the teens all sat around a cozy campfire. The flames had a purplish glow to them from Raven's magic. They roasted marshmallows for s'mores, and snuggled by their significant other. Cerise leaned her head against Hiccup's shoulder, and he put his arm around her's. Apple smiled. They made such a cute couple. Which made her think of Evan. Boy, she'd much rather prefer his hand around her waist than Daring's right now. 

After a while the students all packed up their belongings and headed back to the school. It had been a super fun day. Apple had finally got the hang of surfing by dinner time.

As she prepared for bed, she checked to make sure she still had Peter Day's files. Yep there they were, tucked into her Crownculus book.

Apple climbed into her comfy bed and pulled the covers up. Gala, her pure white snow fox, climbed up on the bed and curled up beside Apple. She smiled warmly at her pet and closed her eyes. Soon, she had drifted off to sleep.

AN: Yay! Apple gets a day of relaxation! And Gala is in it finally! I never remembered to put her in! Ack! Ah well, she's included now! Oh, speaking of pets, if you guys wanna see a pic of my dog, I need at least three comments that mention an animal! Any kind! Then you can see my baby! 🐶 Lol

-AlohaGirl27 🤓🌺

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