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"Mrs. Your Majesty the White Queen, may I please be hexcused? I need to leave the school for an important meeting," Apple asked her Princessology teacher. The queen nodded. Apple gathered her items and quickly hurried out of the room, pausing only to curtsy.

After she left, Briar raised her hand. The queen acknowledged it. 

"Mrs. Your Majesty the White Queen, Apple forgot to mention that I need to go with her," Briar lied. The White Queen sighed.

"You may go Princess Briar," she said. Briar thanked her, gathered her stuff and followed Apple, also curtsying. Instead of immediately following the blonde princess, Briar dashed for her dorm. There she went to her cosplay area and pulled out a blond wig, a contact case with green lenses,  and a secret agent costume that was high quality. Briar quickly put it all on, then used makeup to lighten her skin and play with her eyes to make them look different.

When she was satisfied with her agent look, she made a beeline for the agency. Now Apple would never in a billion years recognize her.

Luckily, an agent was entering the old cookie shop presently. Briar snuck in behind her, immediately seeing "Kat" with that agent dude again. Briar gagged. Then she snuck off to find Conner. 

She found him talking to another agent. It was the girl who escorted Briar out the last time. What was her name again? Faith? Peace? Hope! Briar thought. Briar smiled at her as she finished her conversation with Conner and walked away. Hope smiled back, though a bit confused.

Briar approached Conner. 

"Hi Conner! It's me, Briar! Please don't tell!" Briar's said.

Conner's eyes widened. "My lady?" He asked. Briar nodded. "What are you doing here? Agent White forbid you to come back!" Conner asked, as he hugged Briar. Briar blushed a bit, then explained.

"I really need to spy on her, plus I really wanted to see you again!" Briar exclaimed. Conner smiled.


"Kat! I'm so glad to see you! I feel like it's been so long!" Evan exclaimed happily, grabbing Kat around her waist, picking her up and spinning around. Kat laughed as he lowered her to his chest, sweetly kissing her forehead. Kat smiled and kissed his cheek, then pulled away from him. 

"I'm glad to see you too. What's the mission?" Kat asked. 

"We've heard of there being a possible massacre at the Book End courthouse this afternoon. Someone is not happy with the way Queen Snow is running things, and some fear she'll be next," Evan explained. Kat swallowed the nervousness rising in her. Her mother, in danger? She bit her lip. 

"I'm assuming we can take others with us," Kat said.

"Yes. I've already asked Hope and Conner. Kat, this guy is really dangerous. He's been arrested once before, but was released on parole. Promise you'll be careful," Evan warned.

"Only if you'll be careful," Kat said. Evan smiled his lopsided smile. Kat's heart clenched and she hugged him tightly. "I love you," she whispered.

Evan stroked her hair. "I love you too,"


"I'd love to stay and talk Princess, but I have a mission to go on. Meet me tonight at the Beanstalk Bakery. We'll have dinner and talk the night away. How is that, my lady?" Conner asked.

"Sounds perfect. Be careful," Briar said sweetly. 

"I'm always careful," he grinned.

AN: Ha ha I have such big plans for this story. You'll all probably hate me. #noregrets! I'm not sorry, cuz this is my story and these are my plans! Lol! Bye y'all! Love you! 

-AlohaGirl27 🤓🌺

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