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Secrets. Secrets, secrets, secrets. Secrets were on Princess Apple White's mind on this fresh April morning. She had a secret. A big one actually. She hated keeping it from her friends Ashlynn and Briar, but if they ever found out, things could get ugly. And Apple would never forgive herself if something happened to them. So she had to keep her mouth shut, for the safety of her friends.

On this particular spring morning, Apple was on her way to the Castleteria for breakfast. As she drew nearer to the Castleteria, the smell of freshly baked cinnamon rolls drifted out to greet the beautiful princess. Apple drew in a big breath. It smelled heavenly. She couldn't wait to sink her teeth into a sweet roll. Apple walked in to the Castleteria and glanced around. When she spotted her friends at a table she strolled over to them.

"Good morning!" Apple told her friends cheerfully, as she set her bright red bag down. Then she hurried up to the breakfast line and glanced at the menu. It included cinnamon rolls, sausage, bacon, French toast, and scrambled eggs. Apple's mouth watered as she thought of the delectable bacon the school served. She grabbed a tray and some silverware and then proceeded to procure a little of everything on the menu. 

Apple walked back over to her friends. Ashlynn and Briar were already at the table, but Holly jogged over to them right as Apple was sitting down.

"Wow, Apple! You must be hungry this morning!" Briar exclaimed. Apple nodded as she munched down on her French toast. She needed to replenish her energy after last night's escapade. Apple wandered in and out of her thoughts as she ravenously devoured her breakfast. Her left thigh hurt from a slight bullet abrasion from last night and she was sore all over, but she was content to be eating this delicious food. 

"Hey Apple!" Raven said as she walked by. 

"Oh, Raven, you can sit here if you want to!" Apple quickly said, before Raven got too far away. 

"Thanks Apple," Raven replied as she plopped down next to Apple. As she did, her bag slapped Apple's injured thigh. Apple grimaced. 

"Apple! Are you ok?" Ashlynn asked as soon as she saw Apple's face. 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good, it's probably just a bruise from Grimmnastics or something," Apple lied. She felt terrible for lying to her friends, but she couldn't tell them it was a bullet wound. Apple glanced down at the silver chunky bracelet she wore on her right arm. No one could know what it really was.

AN: Hope you like this chapter! I've got tons of ideas for this story, so stay tuned! Sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger! Ha ha, no I'm not, but you won't get much info for a while! Lol, love you guys!

-AlohaGirl27 🤓🌺

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