My Rival

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Of course everything was happy for me. I had enough courage to talk and tell Senpai all my feelings,but when I tried it didn't go so well. I was in the cafeteria with my lunch going to his table when one of his friends, Oka Ruto,  (leader of the occult club) had put her leg out on purpose to trip me. I was okay when I tripped but all my food and water was all over, splattered on Senpai. I was so upset and embarrassed, I ran all the way to the bathroom. I had slowly opened the bathroom door as I heard someone talking. I walk all the way down the hall of the bathroom. I open each stall to see if someone is there. " hello?" I ask, but nobody answered. I was scared as could be, I slowly crept back towards the door to get out but it was locked. I turned back around and there in front of me was a ghostly image of a dead school girl. She was all pale, floating in front of me. The ghost said to me "why do you come here sobbing" I was terrified but I answered "I had embarrassed myself  in front of my Senpai and I'm scared to go back because of this girl named Oka Ruto" as the ghost slowly came towards me it said "do you wish to have my power?" As I spoke I said "No, but I can do something that will make him like me" I said thank you to the ghost. The door unlocked and off I ran to home room. I decided to write a poem.

Roses are red,
violets are blue,
please say yes,
I'm waiting for you.

I chuckle to my self because as I thought, blood is red and brusies are blue. He won't say no...

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