Love sick

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I walked towards Osana while she was in a chair I had said"any last words" As I smiled happily. She looked at me with a scared face and said "just kill me I won't let Senpai love you!" And after that moment the gym teacher came in and saw me holding a knife. She ran towards me I step to the side and she smashed her face into a metal wall while I stand there laughing. The blood was everywhere as Osana watched the scene before her and thought what would happen to her. When I walk slowly towards her holding the knife I stabbed her in the head while she had been turned around. My uniform all bloody and torn. I burnt the end of  the knife in the furnace and threw bloody uniform in the furnace as well. I then walk over to the changing room after I get my gym uniform on. I went back to the gym and saw the corpses gone. The teacher must have sent them to their family's. As I grab the occult club knife and stick it in the skull, it teleported me to this place with demons. I talk to a demon with no hands it said"if you cut off someone's arms and give them to me you will have many powers and I said yes I will. I went back to the classroom as I asked the teacher to follow me. I take her to the occult club and lock all the doors. As I shoved her down and grabbed the knife in the skull and stabbed her in the head, then I grab the knife and quickly cut her hands off. I leave the blood there. I travel back to the place with the demons to give the demon the arms. He puts blood over me he said to "go back and you will unlock a power with great evil." I traveled back and stood there, all of a sudden I start floating everything around me starts floating, out of nowhere arms with razor claws appear in a circle around me anywhere I stand.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2016 ⏰

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