Beet Reles Love

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*Aurtor Nots: Hello et es me de aurtor of Forbidden, Forsaken, Forever ake Hoot Capture Love (HCL). Sonce i hev 100 veiws, i deceded to mek specal chopter aboot Beet poin to veiw. I wont to thenk all ye leetle benk e benks for redding oll my shet thet I poor out of me hed. I proomose to wret moore I em sorry i hev not. I wel be bee ter. olso edd more memes. xoxooooox ("/) (<-dat me) 8> dat es on wed

Beet stare at self in batroom mirrore. Beet see gren eyes like mold on tothbrosh used by Shek. Beet see onge hair lek lepencan which es hort. Beet see fronkles like matoe sooce splooted en fece. Beet gled down holl. Beet leck wool as gled with squooshi wet tong like poopsicel. Beet mek brekfest. Beet eat enteire rool of cockie dong wit chooclet cheps et drenk som crom of mooshrom soop. Beet dres en loother pents thet are very teet en he wer smol cardigon, motly becusae he wonts to despleey hes peeperoni neeples. Beet es sangal en reedy to mangal. Beet jong to local perk. Beet bost thro open geates en rool don holls. Beet lovs griss. Beet noozle hed ento griss en sigh. He LOV griss. Beet fool aslop en wok up en pol of drol. he lefts op hed en stor et domp griss. Beet get on hens en knes en begon to monch on griss. Beet es en flavorton with guy feireie. Beet tastes the waxy griss rob agonst he teth en he mons. gris toste so god. Beet hear voice.

"Son, what in the hell do you think you're doin" say a tol cop.

thet es no Beet dad. He es no son. "Em no t ur son ser." Beet sey with moothful of griss.

"I lov gris" He weespers to emsolf as he sit crisscroos apellsooce.

"Well you're gonna have ta stop unless you want to get kicked out of this here park" the not-Beet-dad sey


Beet es beaned from local perk. Beet es embooshed. He set en trosh ceen en cheel. Beet knet entil he see the goddess.

She es bootiful. Her long black hair es lek ail en she hes bron eyes lek bork of tree or a worm cop of tee. She es radiant. She is wot mek the world go rond. She es en angle. She set in oother tresh ceen wit logs honging out, despleeying her mauve fishnettes.

"I am Beet. I two, is beaned from local perk" Beet sey.

"You are beaned from local perk for eeting ham and weatching Childs two?" Her vooce es lek heeney en bootled bees.

"Ne, Beet is beaned for eeting grass like cow." Beet mooed to despley hes affection for her. Hes hert wos beet so fost for des angle. Her face glowed like a rose. Her blosh med her skin lock like fairy knight thet sley trools.

"I like" She blurts out.

"I like two." Beet says.

"Date?" She whispers seeductivley.

"Meat me at local eyebrow saloon. At soonset. Bring cable wire and feather from falcon." Beet replies stroking her face like goat. He reds her mend bee contact. Her nem es Hoot.

Both humeens part there seeperate weeys.

Booth excreting for new date. Beet think he find love. Beet hope he reles love.

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