Chapter 4: Alec

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      "Miss Shi, you're late." The teacher said blandly as Rowan dashed into the class as the bell rang.

     "What?" Rowan said, panting and out of breath. "The-the only just-just rang."

     Mr. Chalc nodded. "It did and in my class, you're late if you are not sitting in a seat." Yup, he was that kind of teacher. That's just stupid. If someone is inside the classroom, they are on time, dammit!

     "My-my friend's car broke down at the bottom of Cliffview," pleaded the exhausted Rowan. "Please don't mark me tardy. It'll never happen again. I promise." The teacher sighed and nodded Rowan towards an empty seat. She was not being marked tardy.

     "Right," he began, "should any of the AP students desire to do independent study next year I will look forward to seeing you again. Independent study students, you will have only three assignments the first semester next year: retell a classic fairytale in your own style only using a single frame, enter an original piece of work in the county art competition and create a collaberative piece with another student." Mr. Chalc explained. "It's the same as the first semester this year. I'd suggest planning things out during the summer or getting at least half of it done. Make the most of your free time this summer."

     "Mr. Chalc," one student called out. "How will you know that we've entered in the competition?" Mr. Chalc looked at the student in disappointment.

     "You'll be handing the pieces in to me when you've finished." he replied. "I'm also a judge in the competition." The student sunk back in his seat at the response. I believe his name was Marco Jeduns, goalie on the varsity water polo team.

     He finished and went to go sit at his desk. I glanced over at Rowan and remembered exactly what my first project was. I had done Rowan's portrait.

(Flashback to September)

     It was a bright afternoon at about two-thirty. I was a couple minutes late because I couldn't find my long lense. Apparently my stepmother had borrowed it for something at work. I walked over to the place we'd agreed on meeting and saw Rowan playing games on her phone. I tapped her shoulder to try and get her attention, but I ended up startling her. She yelped and threw her phone behind onto the grass on accident.

     "Oh my god, I am so sorry," I said with a red face in attempt to apologize. She looked at me with a reassuring smile, shaking her head to the side.

     "No, no," she said getting up from the bench where she was to retrieve her phone. "I over react a lot, like screaming when my dad calls my name from the door." She bent down to pick up her phone and came back up to tur her attention to me. I figured she wanted to know why I was a bit late. I mean it was a pretty cold fall for some reason and then rain started coming down early too.

     "Oh," I half said half awkwardly laughed. "Sorry I'm late. I couldn't find my long lense. Apparently my stepmom borrowed it and I forgot she asked." Rowan seemed to undersatand and nodded. "Alright, so do you want to start?" I asked a bit nervously.

     "Yeah, just tell me where you want me and what you want me to do."

     I really want you to kiss me, I thought to myself.

     After clearing my head of that thought, I directed Rowan to a boulder and asked her to sit on it. "Just bring your knees up to your chest and put your arms around your shins as if your curling up into a ball," I directed. She was a natural. "Perfect now tilt your head and rest the side of it on top of your knees." Again, She did it flawlessly. Soon minutes passed, then hours adn it had begun to get dark.

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