Chapter 6: Rowan

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    Spiders, webs, and darkness. I can't deal with that.

     It's been a few hours since what happened in the parking lot and I'm still crying. It was scary and I think I saw Alec flying. But that's crazy because he's too awkward and lanky. He's at least four inches taller than Night Owl, so there's no way they could be the same person. I don't think I can go to prom tomorrow. I should text Alec but I'm scared to. He's been calling me for a while and my phone is on do not disturb. I just need some time. Rylee's trying to contact me too but I can't get service either. I called my mom earlier to let her know I'd be at her mother's house in Malibu.

     I kept focused on the road to avoid thinking about everything that's happened. Going through Malibu Canyon was always my favorite part of the drive to my Nan's. I had taken quite the detour in order to avoid people as much as I could.

     A rumbling sound made its presence very apparent in my car. I was very hungry and my stomach was making me aware of that, even though technically when one's stomach makes a noise actually intestines contracting with emptiness inside. Thinking helps to take my mind off dreadful and unthinkable things. If I can reach Nan's house and listen to the sound of waves, I'll feel safe. Safe, yes that's good.

     In the time of thinking of the comforts of Nan and her home, I was out of the canyon. She lived on the beach; a bright wooden home adorned with plants and Spanish tiles, and I knew she would be there. The road along the coast was a straight and flat with speed bumps and more homes that were unique. No two homes were the same and I wanted a place here once I had become old and frail. Parking outside the house, I approached the entrance to the courtyard and opened the door. I let myself into the yard and knocked on her door. It opened as I was greeted with old, warm eyes. A small woman of about seven inches shorter than me.

     "Rowan," she said with her welcoming smile. "Your mother told me that she knew about the situation. Sit with me on the balcony and would you please brew some of Nari's ginger tea? The recipe is too long for an old lady like me to follow and I don't know how to read Korean." She chuckled and her green eyes were filled with joy. A joy I fear I shall never feel again.


     It was now Sunday and neither Alec nor myself attended this magical night known as prom. I texted him after calming down at my grandmother's and once I had returned home. He didn't mind and told me that he was a bit "frazzled" by the occurrence himself. I'm slightly intrigued about how Alec was "frazzled" when I saw him beat up a giant spider and tear two legs off. That's not something one experiences every day. If Alec is a super, why didn't he think before revealing his identity? Aren't supers supposed to protect their identities at all costs unless it becomes a life or death situation? I found that part particularly peculiar. However, I do not intend to make this my first priority as there are more than enough things going on.

     I had begun drawing yesterday afternoon and discovered the style I usually draw was rather difficult to picture. I began to draw freely and  there was something eerily creepier than I had intended. Erasing what I thought was wrong, I noticed the figure had a spidery thin shape. Its eyes seemed to be rounder and more sunken into its head.

     Closing the sketchbook and setting my pencil down, I stood up and walked away from my desk. I sat down on my bed and decided to text Rylee to see how prom was last night. Before I even opened my messages I heard my dad calling my name.

     "Rowan," called my father. "There are some people here to see you." I put my phone on the nightstand beside my bed and went downstairs.

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