hanging out

18 1 1

(Y/n's) pov
I woke up and took a shower and got dressed in a T-shirt that said suicide silence and skinny jeans with van's and I put my hair in a bun and went to work (hottopic) I drove to work and when I got there I was waiting for some one to come in and finally someone came in it was kyo and he got sneakers and a T-shirt and also jeans and beanie

He came up to the counter and he said "hello (y/n) "hi kyo after paying for his stuff he asked if I could hang out with him and I said sure but after work. (After work) kyo gave me his address and I drove to his house I got to his house its like a mansion i rang the door bell and someone answered. It was a girl with brown hair and red eyes and she said to come in so I did and she said her name is temari and that she was Kyo's sister and a younger boy with black hair and purple eyes came in the room he said "hi my names yuki nice to meet you (y/n) "nice to meet you both "by the way kyo is in his room up stairs and so I went upstairs and saw Kyo's room and it had alot of posters then I saw kyo. "Hi kyo "hi (y/n) wanna watch a movie in the living room "sure "ok come on we got to the living room and he let me pick a movie and I picked Batman vs super man (1 hour later) "hey (y/n) wanna go in the game room and play some video games "sure kyo (in the game room) "ok what game do you wanna play "I wanna play naruto shippuden "ok (2 hours of playing) "yay I won again kyo :-D "yep here's your 20 bucks "thank you very much "ok I have to go now kyo "ok bye "bye
(At home)
I went to bed after taking a shower and changing.

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