I hate One Direction! <3

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"Shut up!", I shouted on my sister Ellie, which was singing songs of One Direction the whole time.

And I hated One Direction.They were the most annoying persons I knew. They didn't look bad and they weren't ugly, but I hated them soooo much. And the best thing ever is that my sister was a hardcore-Directioner.

Some days I only wanted to slap her with a chair ..in her face....to stop her singing songs of these idiots.

"And leeeeeeeeeet me kiss youuuuuu... .", she sang and smiled cheeky.

"Oh come on ....shut your mouth or go up to your room!!", I said.

"Nooooo...One Direction are sooo perfect!!", she said and hold up a poster of them.

"Ahhrgh...The boys and their music is shit...You know I hate them....Aaaand they think they're the best and I HATE THEM!", I said and tore the poster out of her hand.

"GIVE IT BACK TO ME!!!", she shouted and jumped up and down.

"Noooo...One Direction are gaaay!!!", I laughed and ran into my room with the poster in my hand.

"Sunny!!Come back ....Give me the poster!!! And they aren't gay ...They are sooooo perfect!!", she shouted.

My sister was 14 years old, small, thin and had blonde hair. And of course she was a hardcore-Directioner, as I already told you.

I was a normal 16 year old girl with a normal figure and long brown hair.

I was not like the other girls in my age which were freaking out when they saw their idols. To be honest I didn't even have a idol. I thought it was senseless to be obsessed with a person you don't even know. Personally. They didn't even notice their fans. All they wanted was money but nothing else. I knew that some people were hating me because I said this but I couldnd't change. So that's why I hated when my sister talked about One Direction.

I was lying in my bed as I got a message of my best friend Lucy.

-Oh my gosh...One Direction are comming in our city in a few days...aaah I'm frraking out......××-

uhm did I tell u that she was a Directioner too? No? Okay now you know it and it was horrible to have a Directioner as a best friend an a Directioner-sister.

-Okay?? but u know I hate them! so what do u want to do now?- I replied.

-we have to meet them!!! it's killing me to know that One Direction are here and I can't meet them.....pleaaase babe....- she wrote.

-no I'm not going to a meet 1D or going on a concert of them...no no no!!-I wrote to her.

Then she called me.

"WHYYY, OH MY GOD I HATE YOU!!", she shouted at me.

"oh come on Lucy ...I don't like them....why shall I go to meet them when I'm not interested into these idiots??", I said annoyed.

"Sunny..........", She said.

"Noo...you can do whatever you want ...i'll not go to meet them with you! ! ", I said to her.

"You're horrible hun...do you want to go shopping tomorrow? I need a new jeans...my old one is fucked up...", she laughed.

"yes why not? ?!! See ya tomorrow ...", I smiled and hung up.

I took the poster of One Direction,"Oh my god...I hate you boys..I hate you!"

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