Shopping trip?

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On the next morning my phone rang.  
I looked at my watch. It was 9:00 o'clock.
I picked up and said in a unfriendly voice,"yes???"  
"Wooah sorry....good morning??", I heard Lucys voice.
"What is it?", I asked.  
"uhmmmm...we're going shopping today?", she said.  
"Oh shit....", I said and jumped out of my bed.  
Lucy laughed.
"I'll be at the busstation in 10 minutes....", I said and took on my shirt.  
"yes I'm waiting there on you..but hurry up!", she said and I hung up.
I took on my jeans and I did my make up.  
I brushed my hair and run down to the door.  

"What are you doing Samantha?", my mum shouted.
Yes my name was Samantha but everyone was calling me Sunny. I didn't know why but I was called Sunny since I was a little kid.
"I'm going shopping with it okay??", I said.  
"yes okay ...but don't come home too late! ", she said.  
"Nooo mum....I'm going now ....bye...", I said and went out.

"SUUUUUNNY!!!", Lucy shouted as she saw me.

She was a 16year old thin girl with long blonde hair. I loved her she was my best friend and I couldn't imagine a live without her.

"Hiii.....", I said and hugged her.
After 5 mintues the bus was comming and we got in.  
As we arrived we got out and went to one of our favourite shops.  
We looked around and we were seachring for a new jeans for Lucy.
"Omg look what I've found!!", I shouted and held up a dark blue jeans.  
She took it and went into the changing room,"Wow it's beautiful she said.
While Lucy was taking on the Jeans I walked around and searched for a T-Shirt for me.

Suddenly I pumped into a tall person.

"Can't you pay attention? ??",I shouted.
"Oh gosh sorry..", a nice voice said to me. It was a boy as I could hear.
He hold my waist to prevent that I fell down.
"Yes time fuck.....",I looked up and was shocked.

Harry Styles, the real Harry Styles was standing right in front of me! RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! 

I just pumped in a Boy which means everything to other people. Wow. I still didn't like him. I didn't know but I was shocked. It's the dream of millions of girls to meet him. Thousands of thoughts were running thorugh my head. I was so confused. I couldn't say a word. I just looked at him. I almost forgot to breath. The crush of so many girls was standing in front of me. I knew I told you before, but although I hated him. I was shoooocked!!

"Hi....I'm Harry....I'm so sorry...", he said and his hands left my waist.
"Okay yes I know who you are....My friend and my sis are hardcore-Directioner and it's horrible! ", I said and tried to smile.
"so that means you don't like us?", he said and had his eyes wide open.
"Nooo it's just...I....No...yes I really hate can't imagine how much I hate you!! , I said.
Harry looked at me confused.
Then he started laughing.

"Oooooooh My goooood HARRY STYLES !!", I heared Lucy shouting behind me.
She ran to him and huged him.
I rolled my eyes and said,"That's what I meant...."
Lucy was stil hugging him and Harry looked at me.
"What is it?", I asked him confused.
"Nothing...but do you want to go to Starbucks with me?? As reparation I mean....", He said and smiled.
"No?", I said.
"OH MY GOD YEEEES OF COURSE!!!", Lucy shouted and jumped up and down.
"NO LUCY! We have better things to do!", I said strict, because I really didn't want to go out with Harry. Okay almost everyone would die if Harry Styles would ask them to go to drink a coffee with him, but me not. I hated him! And it would never going to change!

"Better things to do?? Sunny ...pleeeaseee....You know how much I love him....My biggest wish just came's so...OMG!!", Lucy said as she pulled me with her into the changing room.
"No... you know that I don't like him...", I said.
"Please do it for me.... do it for your best friend!!", she begged.
"NOOO....!!",I shouted. 

She took my hand and came closer to me,"Please baby... He's my biggest Idol ....He's the one I love although I don't even know much about him......I love him okay..He's in the biggest boyband in the world okay we will never get that chance again?!"
I took a deep breath,"Okay...but only because it's you...and neeever again!!"
"Oh my gooood I love you so much...thank you!!", she hugged me and jumped to Harry.

We went to Starbucks and I followed Harry and Lucy annoyed.
Everywhere were standing fans and everyone was shouting Harry's name.
He took pics and gave autographs. 

"Wow .....they are so is this for you?", I said and could slap myself for asking Harry this. I didn't want to talk to him.  
Harry smiled,"No...I love my fans....yes sometimes it's really hard.....but it's my job and somehow I got used to it...."
"Hmm ...yes of course you love your fans...", I said and rolled my eyes.
"Yes I do......", He said as we arrived Starbucks.
"Mhm...sure...for what?? breaking their hearts?", I said angry.
Harry looked at me angry too, "No....I'm not like everyone thinks I am!"
We went in and sat down an a little table.
His bodyguards were standing on the outside.  
Hundreds of fans were standing in front of the Starbucks and were screaming and shouting.
We were the only ones who were inside.
The waitdress came to our table and said nervous,"Hii....omg....", she took a deep breath and continued talking,"Anything drink?" 

"Hi...yes a coffee please ....",Harry said and the waitdress took the order nervousley.
"Me too please..", Me and Lucy said.

"Where are the others?",I asked him and tried to be nice to him. Although I still could kill him.

"They're at the hotel..... We're not allowed to go out alone but I had to go away from them for a while. Sometimes it's really annoying to be together with 4 cute idiots...", he laughed. I knew that he did the same to me as I did to him.
"So you're here but you're not allowed to?", I asked shocked.
"Yeah.....I took a bodyguard with me...I know it's dangerous but sometimes I need time for myself...", he said.
I was shocked. Somehow he was really nice but I still hated him.
"So tell me...I mean us ..something about you!", I said.
"Hmmm what do you want to hear?", Harry said and smiled at me.
"Everything......", Lucy shouted and looked at me shocked.
"Okay.....My name's Harry Edward Styles, I was born on the 1th of February in Worcestershire and yesss.....Everything began in a small band ..... i dont know...but it is sooo crazy...We have millions of fans and sold out concerts....", he smiled and looked at the fans at the outside while the waitdress was bringing us the coffee. 

Me and Lucy looked at him corious, "go on?"
"Yes....I'm so proud on my fans and I really love them....They're surpporting us soo much...we wouldn't know what to do without them....we wouldn't even be like what we are now....",Harry said. 

"But....",I began.

"HARRY!", his bodyguard shouted.
"I have to go now...It was nice to meet you..", he said and went out.

"Okay ....I'm not okay.....We just met Harry Styles and it was soooooooo cooool!!!", Lucy said and grabbed my hand.
"Yes...buuuut I still not like him or them!", I said and smiled.
"Hah you like him...", she said cheecky.
"No?", I shouted.
"Believe me you will!!", She said and we went to the busstation. 

At home I layed down on my bed.
My sister was singing "Best Song Ever" of One Direction. 

Oh my god .....If I would tell her that I met Harry Styles today, she would freak out. 

It was so sick. 

Every Directioner wanted this. They would do everything to meet them. And I hate them and I had to pump into this idiot. 

Something went wrong!

As we met Harry there were so many Questions I wanted him to ask. 

But now we'll never meet him again......


Thank u sooo much for reading this story. 

It means so much to me. 

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