Happy Birthday?!

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Now go on reading hihi =D #havefun

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"Hi..", I said to the boys as I walked into the hotel.

"Where have you been?", Niall asked.

"I was in the park over there!", I said and pointed to the window.

"What did you do there?", he asked me.

"I was out with a friend of mine!", I answered.

"Oh okay....", Niall said and ate a bread. 

As I wanted to go to my room Louis came downstairs.

"Harry...", Lou said.

"What is it?", I asked.

"Have you been out with this girl again?", he asked me.

"No??", I answered.

"Who was it today? Another girl and you're in love with her too???", he said with a loud voice.

"Nooo? I...", I began.

"Don't lie at me Harry!!", Louis interrupted me.

"What is your problem Louis?", I said.

"I'm just...", He began the sentence.

"What is wrong with you bro? I was out with a friend of mine...and this girl...don't speak about her because you don't even understand how i feel for her....now go out of my way!!!", I shouted and ran up into my room.

What was wrong with Louis?

Did I do something wrong?

What did he want from me?

We were best friends. What is about now?

He is just shouting at me and we can't talk normal.

I sat down on my bed and looked at the picture of Sunny.

She was so beautiful. But I didn't know if I could ever see her again.

What is about Louis then? He didn't like her at all. But he didn't even know her.

I didn't know what I should do.

I stood up and closed the window. It was so loud. Everywhere were standing fans.

Somedays I just wanted to be a normal boy again which works in a normal bakery and lives his normal life. But I couldn't. 

Suddenly I heard a knock at my door.

"Harry.....", I heard Louis in front of my door. I didn't want to open the door.

"Harry please open the door!! I want to talk to you!", he begged.

"Go away!", I shouted and I could feel the tears in my eyes.

"Harry open the door!", Louis said strict.

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